Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The Table. 7 Lookg to thy tongue. 21 AChrifiianfalling into il Comps), mufireprove. 1134 Except Dogs. and Swine, who be fuck,. 114 Advife in difficult cafes. 118 Sinfnll,forbearing . reproofe. 119 Realms for reproofe. 120 ! fanth feed f leace. Why fame be cenforiour. . 126 fáfinccre heart tracenfitre itfefe. 128 aotilyflandred to be chiefe renfurers.1 129 Difference beteeeneright and p,o- phane cenfuring.. Cody inall ages reproached. How thegood) doe cenfure. a3o 131 132 Divers ands ofcenfuriug. 135 3iaclkbiting. 141 Inwhat cafes wemay fpeake of mens faults in abfence. Ofgodly conference. We are too unfit hereto. 146 How to deale in bad companies, 147 Cr et à habit ofheavenly mindednefe, 148 $, Adue confederation ofour anti onr. 149 Agoada£tion legoodin allpoints.ib. .Zn Nature. 15o Meet. ObjeFt.. 3.51 Matter. ibid. Perform mullbeplea fing. Heartfsncere; 71leanesgoodtircum fiances, .1.5 ibid. êafona- 15"3 Ends, miefi be good; 1. Recreation not cofy. Not cruel!. Nat-to iofe rste. 54 155 157 Timefhort. 158 Time precious. 159 Howworldlingfpend'time. 161 We have manyopportunities togood. 162' How the godly 1h ould redeeme the time. 163 Confzderationof time to come. 164, Wsr havegolden dayes. Danger will come. 165 Ourbodies.muf$ decay. ibid. We mufi give accountfor time. ibid The bell. reckoning. Bejihave many. lets, 166 Chriffians fhould be(paring in their recreations. 167 Nothing muff abate our 1pirituall comfort, . 163 Iforrour ofconfcience; 169 Howprofanefeeke. earthly joyaes., ibi. Difference offpiritnalland carnali Joyes. 170. 1. In lallingae,fe. ibid.. 2. Inpurity. Manj nnifriesof car- nall 'oyes. Sweetnefeofffrirituall joy. 3.Thetr excellency. 171 174 175 4. 71nconqueráb/e. 177. Wicke.,dcannot beare thelop oftbeir chiefe delights. ,178 vf not tofisifer earthly, todepriveof heavenly. . 179 2. Ofvifitations of ®ne another C c . much