Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

TbeTäb!e.1, common caresoffamiliee. ibid. Cancealeeach othersfaults. patience look for infirmities. :; 214 ,Nogoodby falling out. ibi. InOaring-with :rants ,not to blame each other in cro ffes.Tyaitingforcon- ver f on ofoneanother,4.Cbaflity.ib. Proper duties, z. Husband as abead, Properties meet, nnmeet. .244 Ile is inwifdeme to,provide, excel) ingifts. 245 Not to contejnne for weaklene f je of ¡ext. 246 3.HemuI? dwell withber according to lvrrowledge. ibid. 1.7 o amend thingsamifJë, or beare with them. ibi. Great hurt bynot .obfé anos ther, 247 2. By wife ordering all faintlybufi- ae ffe. ibid. 3. Chiefto guide her in theway to life. 248 4.Cate fr thefalvatiere ofhüfatttily. ibid. Dotty ofthe wife,a.toapprerve>of<hdt husbands'avtboritie, ,250 kiotives to thie . and danger of .the contrary. 2. A willing fubmiffion to his dire- tliott,refrraints,commend'. .25 i 4 helper in all efrates, apatterce ofa worthy wife. 252 Wtfy toorder ber hufw fry, fpecial- ly helpe ingrace. 254 Boehjryne in prayer oft, Benefits by their, jáint, prayer. ibid. rrn 5. Ofwor%es of mercy: to thefettle in t 6.particulars. 7o the body. 257 Spiritual) be chief. 1ie to improve allforfurtherfadvation withfaving, lertoledge to himfelfe and family. 25gß Neighbours,frrangers, oppolrtes, can- fiant ingood. 266 Pooreilmay he thus merciful. ibid. Many.efelluall maties to thisdutie ofmercy every day. 261 4grofje neglea`,i ofthis alfotr,hindert all other duties. 262. a Great hurt hereby,:: allis naught without it ,. 263 3.ExamplrofChrif#,a the ife tnotiv'ea ibid. 4. Lafr.judgementpafetbeuthisdtt.. tie, 264 5 .:God willrepay.. 266 6. Its the way to thrive in floeworld, <; order to whom. X267 Whywe fbouldnot maligne our ene- mie his wofull frate, forfalth.ine owuemercy. Gads patience tafrn- ners. 268 k çe woundour ownefouler, weeget ' good by enemies, 27.0 Godly reproachedmary wages by the wicked. 272 1.Tbey'leOrr their graces. 2, rep>'rt truths maticiottjly.3:Cbarge wish things they never did. '4. charge with vice when they excel) in the contrarygrace. 273 No colourforhypocrites. 274 Godly be specially chalenged to be worldly