The Táhie.: worldly,who benothing left. ibid, Many occafiens ofthis_pander. 276 Wickedmay eofiygrorw rich... _ 278 Hypocrites inalmesfeeke themfelves. 280 Worldlings would fare fomething to befaved, 281 Why'Chrifliansbe moffflanderedfór worldlineffe. 212 Many things to Crepe them from wealth. 283 Repetitionofall of thispoint. 287 Motivesagainfl` worldlinef. 289. 6. Concernsour f iritualleRates, ç ver-valuing, under-valuing. 294 Manywell conceitedwithout ground. ibid. Many unregenerate have no hope of falvation, mofí peefinne. 295 Prefttmption bred innature. Meaner of deceite. ibi. avi aá e .i4rgasments ofdeceit. 306 What comforts not theheart. 307 How f andconefort is raifed. 3e8 Whole manner oftrue converfion, 3 to Properties of unfound converfion.ibi. Truechange is ofevery part. 31 It [. Integrity. ibid. 2.Sineerily. 3. Spirituali growth. 4. Se!é_d niall, 312 Theconverfion of true conne;1.314 All in truth.yet many infzrmit.'e43,5 Strang a f fisrance offalvation. 316 Further afuranceby .indtaalt vif art. 317 Objection concerning feeling. 323 Änfwer :None infforme. ibid, 299 .4f furance of adherence not ofevi- deuce, 9 Inwant of feting cleave to Chrifl bi Af/urance ofpardon is an effet o Faith, 320 4.Stater ofFaithhformerly delivered, B llart79ities objellion againfli f ibid eci.. ö all Faith. Anfw. 2, At ofFaith, .tint to thepromife makes ¡refl. 32t , Certificationsfinder jai {. 32z Speciati application óf promi.r are gates. ibid. Aman mayfee be bath Faith. Hoer we mayknow it true, 328 2.By e .07s.Löve ofehe brethren:325 By tofiimony *the f iris, ibis ,' This it noextraordinany Revelation 327 Dif°c'rence ofa trueperfzwafionfrom afalc. 329 i!Trurh eßffr. agrees With beWord, 330 Whoßránot, many deceived. ihid, Particular afurauce is drawee by. confègteence out oftheWnrd. '33I 2. Soundaff trance breeds.delight'in the meaner. 332 This is much afaulted. 333 It is accompaniedwith many fearer. 334 Fa/le afritragoebath no.doubts. 33 j ItsafgneofFaith to he troubled ib. 4. Sound .a f urance breedsprayer..336 5. Stitres up to hoiine(jè. 6.It