The Table- 6. Itbath .many;gtiiekairtgs of the Spirit. 337 7,19' .beff`ttrider thècroffe. : 333? $;itsnev.rfeltbut after eotbve6f,son. _ 94t fadethnot. . sra*It cangive reafonfor it. 339 lt huszgeitttegrbw Arrntagainf f. fpixitteald pir,ide.. 34n Remedies again(I pride, 341 2.Confider Godrafieiatge;iGi.' 2,Gods perfflibalilleffè; 4.kkitrátititof Coä'tì.Isaw.` ..34x. '°iq.,Holieff life ofthe god.tiea. 344 1,Sr-andry çonfideration's. ibid. .Wefreguilty-ofAerials linnet ,IVagurallcórruptiotzt Infiniteaîíuáll tranfgreaa®tzsv1q, ç Beffdtaties,Pinecl.. 'c , zhid, Seeds,in, altfinnein thee.- Confider who made thee to dir,ibi. ', 6rbòtelnet,ß giveauGevunt ft itll received. ; 346 Wore fl,aaltf?e .r,cgaeiraai,'wkere rhoji received. ¡bid, 7. vYofr-sll efeEát ofpride ,00liotßt to .,Godawl man. :, , 347 e,Sttch be over-tailtetisyeandtriaflerÿ. 34,8 Cenforioatt of,unregeneraPe. ibì- frhygodlybe flanderedforpride. 349 Affability vsfattefi to Winne, ibi. ,SuchproudperFnsfall intofond opi- nions. ibid. Tea into groffè_fitine which 'iJ very fcandaloit3. 350 atthis, romach 1:14 rt hereby. Othershe too much ',whereby, Thëfleen Gds rïc s mercy, ibid. Be madewall he allduties-. ib. hleate the devil!. ib. Dipourage others without. (Hgodli,life comfortable, 3 5 5 ,Wick, d tthink itnotfo, who conver- tedfhneldfindebetter. ib. They fhou'd trembl' for their wofull eflate.- - 356 Fatthfiellfhouldreioyce, ibi. The Authors &fire to pa art de- jelledfoules. - 3 59 I.True comfort itproper to them,ibi. No worldlingscanhave truejoy,360 Their - rvofleu condition, for all their delight. ibid. Cáufeswhy thegod) fhould rejayceo. 363 Sinnes be forgiven. ibid Thy be proteEled ly God it the .a, prefent ftite. ib. Deokhfan!, iJied aeluitedat the day ofjudgement. ibid. .2. After new birth,'norecaufe of jay thanfarrow.. 364 Affiic`lion infinitely leffl than glory Fore-thoughts ofglory', cornfort in allcros, ib, byofthe (Martyrs. 365 TruthofFaith,netgreatnef e brings comfort. 366 `3. It is a firm not to rejayce, very hurtful'. Wee are much rejecired to rejt9'ce. ibi. Wiroat 351 xec`,ied Great