The Table. What truejoy is. 367 -Feeling may be wanting. ibi. 4. Confider whatgraces thou haft re- ceived. What outward blePings. 368 1n c'o, f fes what fweet proms fees :369 Reproaches be crownes. Sorrowfor frnnebringscomfort. -370 Joy andfarrowwillagree. ibib. Sore tentatiens`fhew wee bee freed from Satan. 5. Faithfell are bound to Reepe a Feet. rhi. Fxcellencieofthis' Feaff isfee oast in five things. -372 I.Attyre ofjrtflification,and fan_ Elificston, let out Cant.6, i o. ib. 2.Daintyfoode,'Efay 25. 6.of the WordandSacrament. 374 3.Pleafant Muficke,Efa,27.2. 376 4. Royall intertainement. Mat.22. 3. Eay 55.1 . Prov. 9.2. 'ibid. 5. Great pompe. I. at betrothing. 2. full marriage.` Cant. 2.5.4. 377 6. As wemourn,fo are we bound to rejoiceyeain This life. 378 'Suchbe charged to caft away all ter- rours, andto embrace all comfort. ;,i"""'l ¡ ,--' 379 Objetfio?s-ofweak, beleevers anfive.. red. 38© i , nullityofGrace and weake60 differ. 2 Judge not by 'feeling. 38 i 3. Loot not on others excellencies.. 382 4. All4races dflow. . ib. s 5' Hark, täG=ods truthnet Sataus lies. ib. Thyfins aì frgreat ib. Now there isno hope. .. ib. That thou half 'yen fo long in frrtnë; ibid. Ir thoudie inr'aiting,artfieved.384, 6. Nodefer, make finne voide. ib. Wee are not to under-valtee °Gods grace. ib. Complaints ofpeon pules 'anftweredl LTaogood tobe true, Gods mercies unmeafeerable, 385 Confider what it meet for God to -give. = 386 2.0bmy fnne is excefve. 'ib. Gods mercies be infinite. î , 3 87 No mercyfir impenitent. 383 3. There is onefznne above allwhich makes' me doubt..- ` ' 389 Anfwere where fin abounded, Grace over-abounded. 330 F I NI S.