Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Difcotarfe oftrae happinefe. tion. If he delight in the Law of the Lord , bee muf}needs meditate therein.And this fervency ofthe heart,cannot pof- fibly bee inclofed within the compaffeof the breit : it will fpread it felfe infpeech and anions : as is plaine, Pfa1.37.30. The mouth of the righteous will fpeake of wifedome, and his tongue will tanteofjudgement. The reafon followes, For the Law of his God is in bis heart. And Pfalme 1 19.167. My foule kath kept thy Tejtimonies : for I love them exceedingly. 'And this love, delight, meditation, and exercife in the Law ofGod, ofthishappyman, is not as amorning cloud, and as themorning dew , before the Sunne : but like the light of the Sun,that ihineth more andmore,unto the perfeaday. It is not for a fart, for feare,upon reitraint, forreputation, for advantage; orto cover the terrors ofconfcience, for a while, with afew flafhesofdeceiveable comforts, out offome mif- applied promifes in the word of God : but it isout ofa free refolution; and withundauntedcon1tancy, day midnight. But give me leave, I befeechyou, before Iproceed to the explicationofthe refs; or deduaions ofdobi;rines from thefe particulars ; to propofe unto you this generali Doarine, which bath his flrength fromthe body ofthe Pfalme , and themaine fcope ofthe Spirit of God. There is in the Booke of God propofed and offered unto us, an happineffe, flandin, in oppofition to all the vaine feli- cities, which ancient Philofophersdevifed out of their deepe fpeculations ; or prophane men frame out oftheir corrupt af- fe&ions : not confining inpleafures, riches, honours, great- neífe ; in civili honefty,formall hypocrite; or the whole pof- fibilityofnature : but in fupernaturall grace, and thebleffed confequents. The whole booke of Ecclefiafies, Salomons facred retra- ¿ations,is a large and found demonf}rationofthis Doctrine. Salomonwas fonne unto theworthienKing that ever fway- ed Scepter upon earth; and he was predeceflór in the royall line unto the Sonne of God; and fo matchleffe for nobility, iftrue happineffe hadconfined therein. He was King of Ie- rufaleyn, the Lady ofthe world,the pefeetionof beauty,and the