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1.4 T'h( Corrupti(;n if the A.ffetlio~tJ, State f{ tho' they are indeed a fign hung out at heaven's ·door: to tell men of the fu!oefs of goodnefs that's in Go·d himfeJf, /l.BJ , xiv. f7, But it is felf, and not God, that is 'fought in them by natural men . r\nd what are the unrenewed man's civif a8:ions, fuch as buying, felling, working, &c. but fruit to · himfelf? f:Iof. x : t , fo .marrying and giving in mJrriag~, are reckoned amongfl the fins 'of the oid worJd, (Matth. xxiv. 38 ) for they had no eye to God therein, to 'pleafe him; but all they had in view, was to pleafe therpfelve~, Gen. vi. 3· Finally, felf is natural mens highefi: end, · in their religious ·aa:-ions . They 'perform duties for \a· name, Mat/h. vi. I, 2. \>r fome other. worldiy intereH, John vi. :26 . or if they be more refined ; it is their peace, · and at mofi their fal vation from hell and wrath, or their own e· ' ternal happinefs, that is their c9ief and highefl end, Matt~. xix. 16-2 2 Their eyes are held, th<tt they ·fee not · the glory of God. They feek God indeedj but not for bim– felf., but for 'themfelves . They feek him not ar ·ali , but fo'r their own welfare: fo th_eir whole life is woven into one web of pra&.ical blafphemy ; making God the means, and fe1f their end, yea their chief end. And thus have I given you fo_me rude dt"aughts of man's • will io his natural Hate, drawn by fcriptlire and mens own experience. Call it no more Naomi, but Marah ; for bit· ter it is, aod a root of birternefs Call it no more free will but Oa"ifh Juft; free to evil, but free from good, till Je_generat iog grace loofe the bands of wickednefs. Now, ftnce' a-ll mu!t be wrong, and nothing can he right,- where the under Handing and will are fo corrupt ; -I fh ;dl bridly · <lifpatch what remains, as fo.l!owing of courfe, on ·the ·cor· ruptioo of thofe prime faculties of the foul •. 'The co~ruption of the ajfefliom the confcience. and the memory. The body partaker of thif corruption, IIh The ajfefli~fJJ atecorrupted. The unreneweq man's affe8:ions are wholly difordered and di(lempered: they are as the unruly horfe, that either will not receive, or violently . runs away with theriqer . 'o man's heat t naturally is a mo- -ther of abominations, Mad vii. 2 I, ~2. For from rwithin, ~tJr