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,• ' I-f~ ad I. -The Cornt:ption of thc/ !Vlnmry and Body. P.7,, it is taken out; fo- ~the memory. with refpeet to fpiritual things. But how ®esit retain what ought to be forgotten ? N.tughty things fo to bear in themfelves upon i_t, that tho' men would fain have them ont of mind, yet they Hick there Jike glue. Ho~ever forgetful men be in other thin~s, it is hard,to forget an injury. So the memory oft_en fu_rnifhes new fllel to old Iufls ;~ makes men·in old ag-e to re-.atl: the fills of their you'tb, while it prei'ents them again to the mind ~ wfr-h·(kUgJn,. wb~ch thereupon licks up the~former vomit. And tho's·it is·lik'e the riddle, that lets thrbugh th~ pme grain, and keeps thfrefufe. Thus far of the corruptio-n of the foul. · The body: itfelf alfo is pat taker o( this conuptioo and defilement, ' fa· ~H as it is capable thereof. Wherefore tbe ScriQture calls itjinfuljlejh, Riom. viii. l· :we ma"y take this up in two things. ( 1.) The '' nam'ral teri1'per, or rat!1er d-ifrcmper of'the bod)es ofAdam's·children; as it is an effea of'9riginal·.rrn:; fo-1t ltath a native tendency to frn, incites 'ti>fin, leads the-foul i-nto fnares, yea, isitfdfafna1eto the ·' foul The body is a furio-us beaft, of fuch metaJ; that if it · be not beat down,,- an4 broul;/lt-Fnt'oJi-tbjdlion» · it will ·caft. the foul into muddi'n ':and mifery, 1 Cor, i~·- 21· There's a vilene(sin--the,. body, (Phi/. iii. 21.)_which ;~s t'o the faints,: will never l:)e' removed"; until it be rrie\tdl d'o\vn-in a grave, an~- caft~into a ne:-v mold, at the refurrec-– tion to come forth a--fpi-ri'ttial body; and will never be car~ ried oft from the b6dies ofthofe, who are not pa-rtakers of the refurreetion to life; - (z_) It ferv·es the f-oul in many fins. It~ menrberJ are injlrunfenfj or weapons of unrighreoujnefJ. whereby ·men fight again£1: God, Rom. vi. 13· The e'yes and ears ar.e open doors, by which impure notions and fin– 'ful defires enter 'th-e foul; the tongue is a world of iniqui~ ty; Jame1iii. 6. an tt~ruly evil,fu/1ofdeadfyp{;{(on , ver. , 8-.· By it the impure heart vents a great deal of its filthi. nefs. The throat iJ an' openfepulchre, Rom. iii. 1.3. The feet run rhe devil's errands, ver. 1·5. The belly is made a.god, Philip. iii. 19-. not onJy·by drunkards and riotous lfven, but by every, natural man, Zech. vii. 6. ~o th e b-ody naturally is an agent for the.devil; and a magazine Qf armour againft the Lord.. · To co'nclude, nnn .by nature is wbolly corrupte~; From , ( bejol~ of fthefoot, ~vm U1J/? tl·e head, there iJ no foundH 2