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~ The Doflrine if t!Je· _State H; Secondly, How is it.popible thou fhouh:Hl be ' able to do· 2ny good, thou whofe nature is wholly corrupt t ·can fruit g.row where there is no root ? br can ~here . be an effeCt without a caufe ? Can the jig-tree bear - oliv~ berrieJ ? Either a vine figs? If thy nature. be wholly corrupt, as in· deed it is, _all thou doH is certainly fo too ; for no effel't can exceed the virtue of its'- caufe. 'C(m a ·co·tirup ,tret<· /;ring fort-h goodjruit? Matth. vii.t8. Ah l What a miferaWe fpetl:acle is he that can cfo ·no..; •' · thing b.ut fin ? Thou qrt the man, whofoever thou art, that .'~ . art yet in thynatural fl:ate. Hear, 0 finner, what is thy cafe. rjl; InnumerC~tble fins compafs thee about: Mountain!< ' o.f guilt are lying upon thee~ Floods of impurities l"t>ver.. • ~ wheJm thee. Living lufls of all forts roll up and down in •;' the dead fea of thy foul; where ·no·good' can breathe, be• caufe of the corruption there. Thy lips are unclean : the opening of thy mouth is as the opening of an unripe·grave, full of fiench and -rottennefs, m. I 3·: ~/hei-r throat if • an o;en.fopulchre. Thy natural aCtions are fin, for r:.uhen yi · Jid ,eat, and whmye .did drinlc;; didnot J6 eatforyourjelvu, , and drinkforyou,rfolves ?· Zech~· vii. 6. Thy civil aCl:ions · are fin, Prov.-xxi. 4· _The plorwing 'of the ®iclud' it ji11. · Thy religious aCtions are fio,, Prov. xv. 8. The facrijicl! .· ~~thewided is dnabomination'/'() the-Lord~ . The -thoughts and imaginations of thy heart; ~re qnly evil. A deed may:. · he foon done, . a word foon fpoken, a thought fwiftly paf .. feth thro' the heart: but each of thc:fe is an item in thy . accounts. 0 fad reckoning! as many thoughts, words, . aCtions ; as ·many fins. The·longer thou livefl:~ thy accounts · fweJI the mere, Should a t-ear be·dropt for every fin, thine • hea~ behoved to be waters ; and thine eyes a fountain of· iearJ: for nothing but fin comes from- thee~. Thy heart ' fra~e~ no!hing but evil imaginatiom: thei'e i.s nothing in · thy life, ~ut wbat is framed by thine heart; and therefore · there is nothing in thy heart or life, but evil. , . 2d!y, AH thY. re ligion, if thou hail any, is loll labour ; : ·. as to accept~mce with God, or any favin~ effeft to thyfelf. An thou yet in thy n&tural 'fl:ate: Truly then thy duties are fins, as was jull now hinted. •Would not the beH wine be lothfome in 'a 'l!ifel ,wherein .there is no pleajure? So is the· religion .of an umege·nerate man. Under the law, '·the