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Head rr. a Staf~ of l-Vralh. I I 3 hand an~ foot, !fa. lxi. t. Laden with divers · !ujh, a'S chains wherewith he holds them faiL Thou needeil: not, as many do, call on the devil to take thee ; for he has a– faH hold of .thee a!teady, as a child of1wrath. · I . Lajlly, 'Thepatural man h'at~ no fe~urity fo:_- ~ m?tp~nt's fafety, from the \'frath ·of God tts connng on :Ihrn to t}l~uttermoil:. The curfe of the law denourrced agai~fl . hirri, has already tied him to the il:ake : fo that the arrows of juftice may pierce his foul ; and in hi mm:1y me-:t all the miferies aod plagues that flow from the avenging wrath of God. See how he is fet .as a mark to the arrows of wrath, Pfal. vii·. If' 12, q '. God is angry •with the rwided·epery day. Ir t)~ turn not, he rwili rJJ,Set his fwor_d : hath bent hir .. -~.~ow a11d made it ready ; .he h'ath d!fo prepti[e·dfor him the i :Jflrumentfo_f d::ath. Doth he ly down to ileep? There is - not a promife, be knows cf, or can know, to f~curt b •n that he tba!l not be in hell ere he awak~. Ju!lic~ is pur fuing' a nd tries for 'lfenueilnce on the htiner; the law calls th,e :fir~ - balls of its cli~fes contin 1l: y1;pon, b'im ·: 'wafted ar;d longtired patience~ that wh ich k~ eps in his life: he walks a– mid ft enemies armed againH: him ·: his name rnay·?e lW.agor '1/t~ff.z!Jib, i;e. terr r;r rozmd :about, .Jer. xx. 3· AngeJs, de– vds, men, bi'aHs, Hones, heaven, and earth, are in readi~1efs~ 01~ .a word of command from the Lord, to ruin him. I Thus 'the natdral 'm;lo 1ives; b-ut he rnufl; die too; and d€ath is a dreadful mefl'.:nger ~o lJim . It comes U?On him. armed with ·wrad:, aod puts three fild charges i.o' his hand. { t.) Death ch ::J. rgeth him to bid ar. eternal farewd to all things in this wodq; to' leave it, and make away to another world. Ah ! what a d1eadfu! ch;Hge muft this be to a child lof 1.'raih ! He can no comfort from. heaven; for God is .his epemy: -and- ,as for the thi.ngs oft~~ wo·rld, ~nd the er:jt)ymeots of his·lufts, '>\;hic.h w'ere the only fprings uf his comfort ·; thefe a·i-e · in a moment dried 11p to him Jor ever. He is not ready for anot1'1er .wvridi : he was not thinking of removing fo foon ; or if be \vas, yet he has so portion to him i·n the other ~orld, but that w!•ich he was born to, and W?.S increafing all his days, namely, P trc·afare ifrwrath. .J3ut go he mu·ft ; his cl~y god, the world, mufl be parted with, and <W.htll· ha1 be more? Ther·e ~as never a g1imme'ring of light,/ or: f.a.vour .front heaven, .K.2 to ;J