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« State ·of Wrath~ ' ~-~~ , mllnicatecj for ever from the prefence of God, ~i~ angels and faints. All means of grace, all hopes of a delivery, fuall be for ever cut off from their eyes. They thall not have a drop r;f water to cool thdr tongueJ, Luke xvi. :2-4. 2). They fhall be punifhed with ·tl)e punifhment of fenfe, They' mull: not only depart God ; but dep'~rt into· fire, into everlafting fire. There the:worm, that fhall gna\Y them, fhall · never die ; the fire that fhall fcoreh them,. fhall _riever oe quenched. God fhall, thFo' all eternity, ,, l10ld .them up with the Me hand, and pour the full vials of wrath into them with the other. This is that fl:ate of wrat!l natural men live in, beitrg un... der much of the wrath of God., and liable to more. But , for a further view of it, let us confider thequalities of that wrath. ( 1.) It is irrefi(Hble, there is no Handing before it: U,.ho may fian~ in thyjight, when once thou art angry ? Pfal. lxxxvi. 7. Ca·n tne worm, or the 'moth, defend itfelf againfl: him that de{igns to· cn~-fh it? As little can worm-man·!land · before an angry God. :Foolifu man indeed prac,tically bids . a defiance to heaven : but the Lord often, even in this world, opens fu~h fl!lic;:es of wrath upon them, as all their might cannot fiop ; but they are carried away thereby, as with a flood . Howmuch more will fo in hell ? (2.) It , ·. is infupportabl'e., What one cannot refill:, he will fet hi!Jl– f elf to bear: · but, l-Fhojhq/l dwell with devouring fire? Wh1 jJJal! dwell 'With ever/crjling bur:·uing's ? God's wrath is. .a weight that will fink mE.n into the loweH h.ell. It is a.bur.., den no m:>.n .is able t'q fiaAd under. A wounded/pi/it whi– lan bear it? Prov. xviii. I 4· ( 3·) It is 'unavoidable to fuch as ;-vill go on impenitent! y in their fioful courfe. He that heing ofhn reproved, hardeneth hiJ,jhaH (uddenly be tlefiroyed, and that rJ.Jifhout remedy. Prov. xxix:. I. We may. now ff)l from it indeed, by flying to Jefus Chrifl:: but fuch as fl y from Chrill:, lhall never be able .to avoid it.•. Whither– can men fly from an aven ~iog God? Where will they find a. lhe lte-r ? The hills will not hear them ; the mountain5 \Vill be deaf to their loudell cries, whe11: they cry to them. . to hide them from the wrath oft!JeLamb.: (4.) It is pow~rful.a.nd fierce wrath, P[al. xc. l 1• . Who knoweth the .p-o<Wer ~~thine anger ? Even according to thy foar,[o iJ thy wrath. We.CJr~ apt to fear the wrath of-man~- moxe. than we ought.: . b,ut;