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~166 The A.ffeeliom cha11ged. State Hr.. helici.Je oiz hiJ ndiJJe ; which were born, not ofblood, no,. if t.6e tv.•j!l ofthe liei!J, nor of the will of man, but of Cod. Eph_ iii I 7. 'That Chrifl may dwell in your heartJ by faith •. Chnfl havi·ng taken the heart by fiorm, and triumBhantly ~nttred into· it, in regeneration; the foul ~y faith, yields· nfelf to him;· as it is exprdfed, 2 Chro11. xxt. 8. Thus,..· this glorious King, who came into the heart by his Spi– rit ; dwdls In it by faith. The foul being drawn, ru'ns :~ and being dfeCl:ually called, comes. Thirdly, ln rege·neratio.n there is a· happy,_ change mad'e: on the affections ; they are both reCl:ified and regu-lated·. 1. 1 his \.; \ange reEHi~s the aff::c1ions ; placin_g ·them on fqltaohle objeer~, 2 'Thc:ff: iii. 5. The LcrdJi.reti;·our heart .I' :;ito thP love ofCod The regenerate man's deGres are rettified ; they are fet on God hirnfe.lf, and the things a· bove, He who before cried with the world, 1-Vho '"J.Jil!jhe'l)) UJ anygood P has changed his note, and fays; Lord lift rip– the light of thy countenance upon u1, Pfal. iv. 6. Some ·ti rve · '· .;..;b:e faw no beauty in Chrift, for which he was robe defi r.. ed ; but now he is aH defires, he is altogether· kvely, Cant . V. 16. The main flr earn of his ddires is turned t'o run to"· . \ / wards God: for there is the one thing he dejireth-, Pfal •. ~xvii. 4. He ~efires to be holy, as well as to be ha-ppy; and J ather to be gracious than gr,eat. Hi·s hopes, whi~h be~ore were low, and fi<iked' down to things o'nearth, are now rarfed and fet on the glory which is to be revealed. He enten~ins the hope ofeternal life, founded on'the word of promi-fe, 'Tit~. i. 2. i-J!hch hope, ht has, a1 anm;chor of thefoul, ~iKiog th e heart under criafs, Heb. vi. 19. And it puts him opon pur i ~ fying limjel(, e·ven a1 Cod ispure,John iii. 3. For ne is bugot- · t 'en again unto a _five!) bc 1 1Je, 1 :ret; i'. 3· His love· i-s rail~d',and l-et on Cod him.felf, Pjid xxvii. t'. on his holy f(f'w, Pfa L cxix. 97. Tbo' it flrike againit his.moH beloved luH, he fays, The la·w is holy, a11d the commandment holy, andjufl, and gr;od, Rom. vii. i 2. - He loves the ordinances of God, Pfal. lxxxiv. I HorJ.J amiable arethy t~tirnacle.r, 0 Lordofhqfh? Being pa./fed from death unto iife, he lovt'f lhe hrethren, (1 Johoiii. 14) thepeopleofGod; as they are called, 1Pet. iii. 10. He loves God for ,liimfelf, an<:( what is God's for his fake. Yea, as b<.ing a child of God, he lovesjl is own e– nemies. heavc'-ll y .father is campailionate and benev?':- . . l~nt ~: