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170 Tb( Botiy phanged. State rH. mory, Prov. i.ii. I. My fon, faith he, forget M! my law .– But how fhall lt be kept ip mind ? Let t.hine heart keep my ·, ~qmmandment,J. Grace makes a heart-memory, e:ven where there is no good head-memory ; Pfa/. cxix,. 1 I . ~hy rword – have I hi(/ in mine .hear-t. The heart truly touc-hed wit h the powerful fweetnefs of truth, lvill helpthe mernory to ~etain what is Jo re1ifhed. Did divine tn1ths makr'.deeper 1mpre,fi.ions on our hearts, ) hey would thereby imprefs them~ felves' with more force on our memories ; Pfa.!. cxix 93. I rwi1/.ne,v.erforget thy precep11,fir rwith th.em thp.u hajl q u id~ ned me. Grace fanftifies the~rnemory. Many have la.rge but unfandified, which ferve only to gat her knowledg-e whet:eby to aggravate their condemnation: but the re new· ed mernory ferves to remember hiJ commandment! to d-9 them,- Pfal. ciii. 18. It is a facred flare-houfe, from wheric-e . a Chriflian is furnifhed in his way to Zicn , for_ fa ith and hope are often fupplled oqt of it, in a dark hour. It is rhe flore )loufe of former experiences : ::~ n d thefe are the be– )iever'.s :way ·mar,ks, by ,noticing of which he .comes to kn.ow whe,re he is, even in a ,dark tifl}e, Pfol. xlii 6 0 n!.~' God, my foul ii cafl down within me: rzvi/11 remr?nhu the.,e from the land o.f Jv.r.dan, &c. It a.lf'O helps the fon1 to godly farrow and"feJf-loatbing; prefentihg old gu il t a· new~ be,fore the .confcience; ,and making it bleed afrefh 1 tbo' th~ fin be already paidoned, Pfol. :KXV. 7· R emember no.t the jinJ of my you-th. · And where ~npardoned guilt is lying on the fleeping,confcien·ce, it is often employe.d to bring in a .word, w.hi~h in a ,moment fets ,the whole foul afHr : as when P~ter remembr.ed the 'lvordJ ofJifw-ht 'Ulent out l{ln(i wep,t bitterly, Matth. xxvi. 75. The ~~rd of God laid up in a fan.dified memory, ferve s a man to refi(t tempe tations, puts the fword in his hand again!t his fpiritual er.e ':' rnies, and is a light t.o dir~Cl: his H:e,ps in the way of~eligion and righteoufnefs. Sixth!;•, There is a chan,ge made ,on the body, and· ~!1 e p1embers thereof, in refpecl' o:f t:heir ufe : they are confecra– ~.ed t9 the Lord. Even ~he hody ii-for the Lor(i, t Cor. vi . · 13. lj iJ the templeofthe holy Chofl, vcr. 19. The mem- . b.ers thereof, that were formerly i nflrumen fJ of,unr ig hteouf– ~eJJ ,.tj!11pjitt, become itljlrtt1JimiJ ofright eoujl; efi ~twlo Cot/, Rom. vi • . l3. Ser.vatJIJ to·riglteofjjmfl u nto .holmefi , v e~ . 19· ...