Head L ·, ~hethe.r hor·n again, or mt. ~- . 181 a ·little time lofe it ag~in : becaufe, while they hear the' word .preached, they make appiication of it; but do not confider ' of thefe things more deliberately and leifurely w,ben alone. _ The at'tion is too fudderA an,d lhort, to give IaGing comfOJt;r ~: And it is of~en fo indelib.erate, that it has bad confequences . Therefore, fet about this work at home, afte:r earnell: a'}d ' ferious prayer to God for his help in it. Complain not of your want of time, while the night follows the bufy .day; ()J of place, while -fields and out-houfes are to be got. (2.) · ftenew your repentance before the Lord. Guilt lying on the confcience untepented of, may darken all your -evidences . and mark·s of grace. It provokes th.e Spirit of grace 'to de'– part; and when he goes, our }ight ceafes. It Is not fit ,time for a faint to read his evidences, when the candle is blown OQt by fome confcienc_e· wounding-guilt. Laflly, Exert the powers of 'the new nature ; let the graces of the div~ne Spi– rit in you, difcover themfelves by action. If ye would know whether there is a fact·ed fire in your breaft, or not, ye muff: blow the coal: for altho' it be, and be a·Jive· coal; . yet if it be under tf1e afhes, it 'wi-ll give you no light. Settle in your J)earts a firm pu-rpofe 1 thro' the grace that is in Chrifl: Jefus; to comply with every. 'known duty, and watch againfi every ' known fi'n; having a readinefs of mind to be 1 inll:ruete<t ia what ye know not. If gracious fouls would thus manage their inquiries into their fiate, it is likely, they woulcrhave a comfortable i!fue. And if others would take fuch a folemn review, and make -trial of their ll:ate impartially, fifri ng themfelves before the tribunal of their ownconfciences; tbey might have a timely difcovery of their own naughtinefs: but the negleCt of felf examination Ieaves moll: under fad del u– fions as to their _ll:are; and deprives many faints of the comfortable fight Of the grace of God in them. . But that I may afft)rd fome further hefp to true Chrifii– ans, jn their inquiries into their Hate ; I !hall :propofe and b~iefly anfwer fome , cafe!:>or doubts, whidr,may poffibiy htnder fome perfons from 'the comfortable view of their · happy fl:ate. _The ebildrens bread ·mufl: not be with · held; tho' whde it rs reached to them ~he dogs lhould foatch at it. CA-sE I. I doubt if I be regenerate, hecaufe /.know not thf precift time of my converjion; nar can 1 1 trace t4e par– ticular flcps-, in the way in which it was, brought /Q paji. Q..., .dnj.