:r82 Ca(# o/Chrijli:m.J doubting State IlJ• . Anf. Tho' it is very defireable, to be able to give an account of the beginning,and the gradual ~dvances oftl1e Lord's wod~ ' upon our fouls, as fo~.e ,faints ~an ~iflin.":ly do, (howbeit \'~the manner: of the Spun s work~-ng 1s fhli a myHery) yet this is not neceifary to ~videnGe the truth of grace. Happy he that can fay, in this c~fe, ;s.the blind ma11 in the gorpel , One thing I know, that whrre(IJ I waJ bli71d, nar:v .I f ee. 1 Like~s, ·when we fe~ flames, we know there is fire: -tho ' we know not how, or-,vhen it began: fo the truth of grac.e in us may be difcerned, tho' we know not how or when it'., ~was d ropt into our hearts. If thou canfi: perceive the ha ppy change which is wrought on thy foul; if t'hou fi ndefc thy mind is en'lightened, thy will inclined to comply with the will of God in all things; efpecial!y to fall in with t he J i,. vine plan of falvation, thro' a cruciued Redeemer~ in vain dofi thou trouble thyfelf, and refufe comfo rt, b ec ~ufe thou ' knowefi not, how and what way it wa s brc ught about. , ' CA~E 2. If I wtrr a new C?"N!/tJ r e, .fin cu dd not pr-e'!:ai/ ogainfl me aJ ;, doth . .Anf Tho' w-e mn!t no t lay pillows for hypocrites to reil their heads upon , ,who indulge them– felves in their fin s., and make the do tl rine of Ga.d 's g ~ ace fpbfervien1 to tbe[r Ju!ls , lying down C()otented ly in the bond of iniquity, l ~ke men that are fo_nd of gol de n chains; ye ~ it muft be owned, t he j ujl man falht h ja'l.:en t ime: a da,~11 ; and i71iquity may pr evail againft the chi ldren of Go J. B~t , if thou art gro~n i ng under the wei ~ht of the body of dea th , the corruption of thy nttture ; loathi ng thyfelf for the fin s of thy heart and life; !hiving to 1 mon ify th y l ufts; fleeing daily to the blood ,of Chrifi for pardon ; end lookiog to his Sp!rit for fanfldi.ca t ion: tho'. thou mayeft be obliged to fa y wi}h' t~~ Pfalm_ift, lniquitie1 prevail ap.ainfl m~ .; yet thp q ro~yefi add with .· him, A.r jfJr o,ur trr;rn/grtJ!ioffJ, . thou ( Jhalt purg~ the"fft ar&a)', Pfal. lxv. 3· The new creature doth not ye.t poffefs the houfe ~lone: it dw~lls befide an ill neighbour; namely, r~maining corruption, tp~ reliques o ~ de.praved nature, Thefe firuggle together for the m-after y,: 'The f!ejh lufleth againjl t,SeJPirit, and theJpirit againjl th~ • lie.Jh, GaJ. v . 17 . and fometimes coHuption_ prevails, bring• iog the child of God into ca.p tivi~y to the law of .Jin.; Rom . vii. 23 {--et ,not therefore the prevailing of corruption , ma.ke ~he:e in t!)is cafe conclude, ~hou a~t none of God's. . · · 'hildren ;