Head t. thdr Regmeration, refol,;.e.?., 183 \ ' ch~ldreo :· btU let it humble thee to be the more watchfuh ,~ t.ind to thirft the more intcnfely after Jefus ChaiH, his blood !. •nd Spirit; and that very difpofitioo will evidence a principle of gr~tce in thee, which feeks the de!trutlion ot fin, that prevail.s fo of~eh againft thee. CASE ~~ I find the motion! of fin in my heart more violent, }i1ce the Lord began his work on mj foul, than t l:iy were before that time. Can thi1 co·n.Ji.ft with a change if my nature? An[. · Dreadful ,is the cafe of many, who, afta God has bad a remarkable dealing with their fouls, tending to their reformation, have thrown off c.ll bonds, aod have become grofly and openly immoral and profcsne; as · if the devil had returned into their hearts w;th fev.en fpirits worfe~ than himfelf. All l fhall fay to fuch pel'fons.is, that their tf ate is ·exceeding dar)gerous; they a1e in danger of Honing ::igainil: the Holy Ghofl: fherefore Jet them rep~nt, before it be too late. 5ut if it be n~t thus.with you; tho' cc;>rr1,1p· tion is beftiring itfelfmore vi'olently than formerly~ as if .ap th'e f{}rces 'of hell were raifed to hold fafi, qr .bring hack a fugitive ; l fay, thefe ftirrings may conGll: with a thal'lge of your nature. When the rellraint of grace 'is new– ly laid upon cortupt~on; it is no wonder if this _la{t acts more vigotou_fly than before, warring againfl the /ar<» of the mind, Ro:'n. vii. 23 ~ The motions of fin may really be mofl violent, when a new principle is brought in to calt it out. And, as the fun, fending its beams through tt1e window, difcovers ' the motes in -the boufe, and their moti?ns, which were not feen before: fo the ligl1t '·of grace may dlfcover the rifing and acrings of corruption, in another manner thao ever the man faw them befote; though they really do not ·rif~ nor act more vigorodly. Sin is not quite dead in the regenerate foul, ,it is but dying, and dying a lingeting death, being crucified; no wonder there be great fightings, when it is fick at the ·heart, and death is at the door. Befides, temptations may be more , in number, and flronger, while Satan is {hiving ·to bring yoq back who are efcaped, than while he endeavoured on· ly to r'etaio you : Alterye were illuminated, ye endured, a .great fight of ajjliflir;nJ, fays the apol1le tb the .HebrewJ ~ chap. x. 32. But cafl not a•way JOUr confidence, ver. 34· Remember his grace iJ ;ufficient for. JrOu1 a11d~ the God Q_2 of