. / Head I. their Regeneration, rifo!ved~ lilS .t.. _Ohrift, for the creature, ot part wi-th the creattue ·for·Chrift, if thou wert left to thy choice id the matter ? lf you find your heart difpofed to part with what is dearefi to you in - the world for Chrill:, at his call; you have no reafon to conclude, you love the creatur-e more than God ; but, on the contrary, that you love God more than the creature; ,al– beit you do not feel fuch violent motions in the love of God, as in the love of fame created thing; Matth. x. 37. He thpt loveth father .or mother more than 'me, iJ not worthy of me. Ll1ke xiv. :6. 1(any ·r~ian come unto me, and halt not hiJ father and mother-he cannot be my difciple• .From \Vhi~h texts tompated, we may infer, that be who hates, i . e. is ready to ·pat t with father and mother for Chriil, is, · i(j o.u r Lord's accoun-t, one that loves thein lefs than him; .ar.d not one -that loves father and mother more than ·him. More– over, ye ate to conflder. there is a twofold love to Ch 1 i it. ( 1 ) rhere is a fenfible love to hi~, ,which is felt as a dart in the heart ; and makes a holy love· ficknefs in the foul, ariGng eit,her from want of enjoyment, as in that cafe of the fpoufe, Cam. Vr 8. 1 charge you, 0 daughttn ofJerlif:alem~ ~fJ' e find my befoped, that )'C tell him, that 1 am jick of · /r;ve; or elfe 'from the fulnefs of itt as in that cafe, Cant. ii. )•, Stay mt <tvith fla.gom, comfort mt with applu; for I am Jick oflo'f.J'e, Thefe glowings of affections are ufually wrought in young Colr\1etts, , who a·re ordinarily made tojiHg in the dap of theiryouth~ Hof. ii, 14. Whi\.e the fire•edge . is upon the young convert , he .looks upon others reputed to– be godly, and not finding them in fuch a temper and dif· pofition as himfelf, he is ready tocenfure them; and to think there is far lefs religion in the world, than indeed there is. B~olt when his own cup comes to ''f~ttle below the brim , and he finds ,that in bimfeif, wh1ch made him queftion tbe fl:ate , of others, he is more bumbled , and feels more aPd more the nccefll.ty of daily recourfe to 'the ' blood of Chrill: for pardon, and to tne Spirit of ChriH for f~mtlification ; and thtl! grows downwards in hnrniliation, felf-loatfling,, and feJf.derrill. (:z . ) There rs a ratiooallove to CbriH,. wh.ich , without the fenfib!e emotions felt in the 1orrner cafe , ' ev 1.de t ...cs .itfelf by a dutiful ,regard to the divine authority an,_! c. )mm,.md . \¥hen one bears' fuch a lovt;: to ChriH; tho " tt~t' wehc:me'11t fiirri;.gs of affection be warning,. yet, he is' Q._3 truly