190 . The .Jilece.flity of Reget1eratio~• · 'State I!I. ctJJicked?. .You may be iufl notwitl{ftanding; according to S~iotmn'~ ob fer ve, Ecr.:lef. vi'ii. 14. Sometimes we ~ravel il) ways where we cannot perceive the prints of the foot 1 cf than or beaf1; ytt we camiot from thence conclude, that there was never any there before us: fo, <ilbe'it thdu can11 riot perceive the footH:ep5 of the flock, in the way of thine , affiitl:ion ~ tbou· rnuit not therefore con·c!ude; that thou art the firft that ever travelled the road. illlt, what if it were fo , that thou wert indeed the firfi ? Some one Ia:nt or ·other behO\''?d tO be the fidt, Il1 drinking of each bitter cup th f;: re!l: ha('e druok of. vVhat warra-nt have you or I, to limit the hofy On:: of l[raelto a noden ~ath in his difpenfations towards us ? Thy •wa_"' iJ h2 the fta, and thy path is i n the– great rJJ-aterJ: a'nd th)' fuot}lej?.J are not known, Pfal. hxv.i'i. t 9· If the Lord fhou ld carry ydu to heaven by feme retirt:d. road, and let ypu in at 1 a back-door ( fo to fpeak) you would haV'e 'no groun-d to complain. Learn to allow foverei gnty a latitude; be at your duty; and let no dR1&.ion c;,_ft a va il over any evidences, you otherwife have, for your bei_ng in the {bue of grace; for no man knoweth either icz:e er ha~ ired, by all that iJ before' them-, Eaclef. fx. 1. trs."E II. Ye that are !hangers. to this new- birth , be con– 'trinced cf the abfolute neceffity of it. Are all in· the Hate of grc.ce f?o-r-n agai a ? Then they h-ave r.eit~~t part nor lot io it, w'ho ate not born again. 'I muH' td! you ia the words of out Lord and Saviour, (and 0 thar he v.rou!d fpeak them to your hearts) ye MusT be bortJ again , JoLn iii. 7. iind for your conviction confider thefe few things . FirJ'l , Regeneration is abfoluteiy necdfary to quali fy yod to do aoy ~bing really good and acceptable to God. \\' bile you ate not bo rn again, your bell wmks are but gliftering fins, ; for though the matter of them is good, they are quite marred in themaking. Confider, ,(1.) fhatwithoutrege – neration. there is no faith, and wilhou-t faith it i1 impojJib!e to pleaf-e G'-vd, Heh. 'xii. 6. · Faith is a vital act cf the n:::w born· foul. The EvangeliU !hewin~ t~e different entertai n– ment our Lord Jefus had from differ en t perfohs, fome re– ceiving him, fome reJecting hiri1, points at regenerating , grac~, a~ the true rife of that difference, without wh ich ne– ver one would have received him . He tells us, that as many aJ rtceh;edhimwere thefe-which "JJr:re born-rof.God, ' · , John