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I 92 · 7 h~ Nueffity if Rege11eratioi:. State Ill" jiceth a lamb, aJ if he cu-t offa dog'J nee/{: /;: that burneth incenft., aJ if he bleffid an idtl/. Why, but becaufe thou art yet in the gall ifhilftrnejj, and bond of iniquity.? (3.) A1l thou hail done for God and his caufe in the wotld, though. it may be followed with 'temporal rewards, yet is loll as to divine acs;eptance . This is clear from' the cafe of Jehu, who was indeed rewarded with a kingdom, for his execll tingdoe vengeance upon the houfe of Ahab; as being a work good , for the matter of it, becaufe it was commanded of God, as ' _ you may fee, 2 King1 x 14· yet he was- punilhed for it in his pofierity, becaufe he did it not in a right manner, Hof. i. 4· I ,....J.Ji/1 qvenge the blood of Jezred upon the hou;e of Jehu. God looks mainly to the heart; and if fo, truly al- . beit .thy outward appearance be fairer than th at of many o– thers, yet the hidden man of thy he :nt is lothfome; thou lookefl: well before men, but art not as fl-1ifes wa s.fa~r to God, as the marg\n bath it·, Af!J vii. ~o. 0 what a difference is there betwixt the charaCters of Aja and Amaziah . 1 'The Mgh p!acu were mt removed: nevertheleft , Afa hiJ heart was . perjefl with the Lord all hiJ daJi, 1 K ings xv. r4· Ama– ziah did that "'JJhich waJ tight in the fight of the Lord, !Jut n()f with a perjec1 heart, 2 Chrop. xxv. 2. lt may be, thou- .an zealous againlllin in others, an~ doH admoni{h them of their duty, and reprove ,them for their fin; and they ha~e .~hee , becaufe thou d'oHthydu!y: But 1 mun tell thee, God hates thee too, becaufe thou d~fi it not in a right manner; and that thou canfi never do, whilfi thou art not born a- · gain. Lajily, All thy Hruggles againfi fin, in thine own heart and life, are naught. The pt oud Phari.fee affiiCl:ed his body with fafiing, and .God firuck his foul in the mean time with a feotence of condemnation, Luh.e xviii ·. Bal.aam firuggled with his covetous t~mper to that degree, , that tho' be loved the wages of unrighteoufoefs, yet h.e would not win them by curftng ljrael; but 'he died the death ?r-· the wicked, Numb xxxi. S. All thou dofl:, while in an un– regenerate Hate, is for thyfelf: ;and therefore it will fare with thee, as with a fubjeCt, who having reduced the rebels, puts the crown on his own head; and therefore lofeth , all his good fetvice, and his head toQ. .,. ,.,_; ~- ObjeCt. If it be thuJ with uJ, then we need nevup~rfor1!J •nf religicu1' duty at all, .AnJ. The conclufioo is·not jult ··Ng