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., Head I. · The Necejfity _of, Regmcralio:t, 193 No inability of thine cap Joo(e thee from the duty G0d' s , Jaw Jays on thee: and there is Jefs 'evil in thydoing thy duty# than there is in the omitting of it. But ther e is a mids be– twixt omitting af du ty, and the doipg of it as thou dofl it.. A man ordereth mafons to huild )lim a ho·ufe: if they quite neglect the work, that will not be accepted; if th ey fall otJ.., and bu;Jd upon the old r·on en foundation,· neither will th a t pleafe: but they mull raze the old foundation, and build on firm ground . Go -thou, and do liluwift. In the mean ti me, itis not in va in for thee, even for thee, to feek the Lot d: f Ol' tho' he regards the~ not, yet he may, have rert ea: to his own ordinance, and do thee good thereby, as was faid befote. S econdly, Without regenera-tion there is no communion with G od . There is a foc iety on e arth~ whofe,. jeilor:wfhil; iJ wi(!J t he Fathtr, attd with hiJ Son J efuJ Chrtfi, J J ohn i. 3.· But , out of that fociety, alJ the unregenerate are excl.uded; fo r they are all enemies to God, as y·e heard be-fore at 'large . Now, can two wal.~ t ogether , except they be .agreed? Amos iii . 3. They a·re all unholy ; and wh at crmzmun,ion hath ./.igM :with darknefl-_..,-Chrlfl wi_th Belial? 2 Cor. vi.14. I 5· T hey may have a lhew and femblaoce ofholinefs; but they are fhan pers to true boline;fs, and thetefore without G0,tl in the world. ' How fad is this cafe, to b.e employed in reli– gious d ~~ ies , but to have no fel)owfhip with God in tbeR!l ! Ye would not b:! content \Yith your nteat, unlefs it fed you; nor wi-th your cloaths, unlefs .they kept yo.u warm; · atYd how can yo u. farisfy yourfelves with your dut ies,' while t hey are not eff~ Cl:n al to y-our communion with God? rhirdly, Regeneration is ab(ol ut ely oeceffary to qualify you for heai\Ten. None F~Uo he~ven, but they that are made · mee t for it, Cat. i . 12 As it was with Sotomm's temple, I Kingt ,vi . 7 . fo it is with the temple above ~- l,t i.r built of jlone, made ready ht:forc it it brought tbither; namely, of · l i ve(yjlonu, 1 Pet i i. 5 wnJugh t for thefame t~i~g•. 2Cor• .v. ). for they cannot be laid io cb_at glorious building, j ufi, a3 ' they cam~ out of the quar·ry of dept aved nature . J ewels of gGfd are not tn o::et fo~ [win,e, and far Jefs jewels of glory fo r UtHenewed finners. Beggars in their rags are not meet f or-– kings hollfes; nor finners topnter htto the king'tpala&e, wit h · out the r..aimen't of. needle worl, Pfal.-xl.v. q, 1 )_. Wha t wife ma~ would bring ti!hes olit of the..water to feed, in hi!! R ' meadow !