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8 Of Man'.r lriginal RighteGufnefl. State r. was not one wrong pin in the tabernade·of h1:1man naturet when c;bd fet it up: howeve~ fhattered it is now. Man was then holy in foul, body, and fpirit: while the fot1l remain– ed untainted, its l,odging was Rept clean·and undefiled: the memb.ers of the bedy were co'nfeerated vefle1s, ami infhu– ments of :righteoufnefs. A combat bet\vix.t flefh and fpirit, reafon. and appetite, nay, the leall iodination to fin~; Iufi: of' the fldh in the inferior part 0f the foul, was uuerly incon– £iftentt with this uprightnefs, in which man was created:-- / and has b~en itwentecl tQ vail the co~ruptio~· of man's nature and to obfeure.the grace of God ill Jefus Chrilt: it-looks· very l~ke the langtiage of falten A dam, laying his own fi.o at his Maker's dt>m~, Gen. iii· .. I 2~.Thewoman 'VJhom thou_gaveft to. be'VJith me·Jhe gave me o.ftha,.and1dideat-. But a~. this.righteoufnefs was u-ni,yerfalin refpe8: -of the fubjeet , be· caufe it fpread thro' the whole man: fo alfo it was univ:erfal;. in refpe3.: of the objeer, th'e holy lavr. was nothing in the law, bull: what was. ag-reeable M his r.eafon and- will,. as God. made ttim :- tho' £n bath now f~t him at odds with: it: his fou.J was ffiapen Gut, in length and breadth to the: e::ommandm'ent, tho' ex.ceeding broad.; fo that his original ~ight·eoHfnefs was not only perfect in. pa.r.ts, but in.degrees •. Seco.ndlj, As iit Wf-S univer-fal, fo it was natural to him,, and· not fupernaturafin that ftate. Not that it was eifential~ to man as- man : for t.hen he c01:1ld not have lofr it, without' the lofs of his verx being,:- but it wa~ · con-natural to him,. he was eFeated with it; and it was necdfary to the per-:-· fecrion of man, as he ca~e out of the hand of God; ne- · ~effa.ry to confl:i tute him in a fiat-e of integrity·. Yet, Thirdly, It was mutable· ~ it was a righteoufnefs thq.t· ' might be lofr, as is manifeft·ed·by the. doleful event. His;, wilJ; was not abfolutely indifferent to good or evil : God· fet it towa11 dS.·.good only; yet he d~d not [q fix and ' con.. :firm its indinations,. that it .could not alter:. No, it was moveable t·o evil; and th;1t only byman himfelf, God hav– ing given him a fufficient power to fiand in this integiity., if he had pleafed. Let no man quart el God's work inth i ~ ;. for ifAdam had been' unchangeably righteous, he behoved to have been fo ~itl1er ~y nature, dr by free gift: by n-a– ture he .could not be fo, for that is proper to God, and in,., -~onununicable toanycreature; ifbyhee ~#t~then no wrong