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26'2 The -Dut{u of SaintJ, &c. State Ill'. 3~ He heavr;nly· minded, and maintain a holy contempt ' of the world. Y!e .are united to Chrift, he is your Head and Hufbancl) ·and is in heaven : Wherefore your -hearts lhould be there alfo, Col. iii. r-. If ye then be rifen ~it~ Ckrifl, flek: thoje things which are aho·ve, whet·e Chrifljit~· teth at the rigiit tJand of Qod. Let the ferpent's feed go on their belly, and eat the duft of tHis eardt : but let the members 'of Cbrifr be afhamed to bow·down' and feed with them 4·- Live and aCl: dependently, depending by faith on Jefus;• Chrift That which grows on its own root ; is a tree, not · a branch. It is of the nature of a branch; to depend on the all, and m derive all its fap from thence. De- . pen_d on him for life, light, Hrength, and all fpjritual bene- ' fits, Gakii. 20• . I live, yet not I, but Chrifllivu! me, ~ ...~ and the life which I now !it•e in the fl1/J, !live by the faith . of th~ Son oj God. For this caufe, in the myftical union, fhength is unit:ed to wea.knefs,. life to death, and.heaven to , earth: tha.t weal<oefs· 1 cleath·and·earth, may mount up on·· borrowed wings •. Depend on· him· for temporal benefits al– fo-; !Vlatth. vi. 2.' Give us this day our daily bread. I~· we have wufled him with our eternal concerns, let us b~ ' afhamed to dilhufi him in - th:e matter of our pwvifion in ' the world. Lafl!y, . Be of a m.etk difpo~tion, va,nd -an uniting· tempei·– '\'ith the fellow-members of Chri!l's body, as being:united' to the meek. Jefus, .the bleffed center of union . There is ,a' prophecy to this purpofe · the •. kingdom oe· Chrift, lfn ii 6 ' The wolf jhall dwell with th-e lamb:-· a.nd the leoparcl /hall lie dorwn; with the kid. lt is: an allu~ bon to the beafts in Noah~s ark. The be.a.fh of prey. that. were won, to kill~ and devour Other-s,. when o1ce ·rhey came into the ark, !ay down iD: peace witli t~em : the lamb was · in no llazard by t.he wolfthere; nor ri:H: ·Iticl by the leopard; ·There was a beautiful accomplifhment of it in the primitive church, ABJ iv. 32 And. the mf!ltitude of them that- be,. /i'e7Hd, were ofone heaM CUJd of onej()uJ,~ And l hjs pre• vail• in a1l m;:;mbers of Chri tt , according ro the me~fure of:· · t he g ra~e. o.f God in them . Man is born naked, he comet naked into this world, <lS if God defigned him for 1he pie.• ~e of. peace; and-fu.rely'wJlen he is born again) he comes • . JlOt;