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Head n. · Dut;• of Si nncrJ, &c.. 2 63 TJOt int'o the new world of grace with claws to tear, a fword to wound, a·od a fire .in his hand to burn ~·up his fellow members in Chrifi, becaufe they ·cannot fee with 'his light.. Qh ! it is fad to fee Chrifi's lilies .as thorns in one another's ft'des; Chril1 's lambs dev()urin.g one another like lions, and ~God's diamonds cutting one another: yet it muft be remem– bred, 'that fin is no cement for the members~ of ' ·' Chritt, tho' Herod and P.o-ntiu-1 Pi/ate may be made friends ·that way. The apofile's rule is plain. Heh. xii. I 4· F'O'I· Jow ,peace with at! me·n, and halin.e.f.r. T'O follow peace no further than our humour, credit, and fuch like things, wiU allow us, is too fuort: to purfu.e it further than -holinefs., that is, conf.ormity to the divine will, allows us, is too far. · ~eace is precious, yet it may be bought toe dear. where· fere we muft rather want·it , tbao purchafe it, at the exp~nce · of.truth or holinefs . But otherwi.fe it cannot be over .dear ·bought ; and it will always be precious in the e-yes of the .f(}ns of.peace. .· · . · · .u.. A.nd now, 'finners, what lhalf I fay to you j I have .given you fome view of the ·privileges of thefe in the· .fiate of grace : ye have feen them afar off. But alas! they are .. not yours, becaufe ye are not Cbrifl!s. -The finfu1nefs of an unregenerate Uate is yours ; ~nd the mifer-y of it is yours .alfo: put, ye have neither part nor lo-t in this mattt-r. The guilt of all jOUr fins lies upon you; .ye have no part in the righteoufoefs of Chrifi. There is no· peace to you, ne peace with God, no t¥ ·Je peace of confcieoce: for yo.u have no fa ving interei1 in the great Peace-maker. Ye are none of God's family: the adoption we fpoke ot belongs not to you. Ye have no part in the fpirit of fan8:ification; and, in one word, ye have no inheriiance amo'r.g them that are faniliji- • . ed. All l can fay to you jn this m.atter, is, that the cafe is not defperate, they may yet be yours, Rev. iii. :zo·. Beholtl lfland•at trf d?or and ·knock : if"?,!tY man hear -"?!tJ voice, .and op~n the door, I rwi/1 eorite in to lti:m, ·and will fup with ·him. and h_e with me. ·Heaven is propofing an union with earth ftiH, the Potter is making fuit to his own clay, and · the gates of the city o(refuge are not yet clofed. 0 ! that .we could, cc:Jzpelyoutocoflw in. · , .Thi/J far of ·the flate of grace.. . . STATE '