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· S T A- T , I ,· N A M EL . Y, ' The ETERNAL STATE; or, State ·oj confummate F[.appinf}s or Niijery. l. Of DE -AT H. Job~xx. ~3· , I ' For I know that thou 'Wilt bring me to d~~th, a-nd to th.e houfo apf1inted for ail living. I Come now to difcourfe of man's ete-nzal /la-te, into· which he enters by death. Of this entranc~ Job takes a folemn ferious view, in the words of the text, which, contain a general truth, and a particular application of it. The general truth is .fuppofed; namely, That a.Ll. men mull:i by death, retnove out of· this world ; tney mu{{ die . Ru~. whither muH they go? They mu£}: go. . to the houft app.ointed for a!f living; to-the. grave, _that darkfom.e, gloomy, foli:tary houfe , in the land of forget– fulnefs~ Wherefoever the ·body is h,i.d up till the refur– rectio.n ; thi ther, as to a dwelling-houfe, death ·br\ng.s . us home. ,' While we· are in the . body, we are but in a · lodging-houfe; in an inn on our way home,J.rard., When we come to our.grave, we come to our long-home, Eccl. xii. 5. All living mufl: be inhabitants of this hm;1fe• . good and .bad, old and yopng. Man's life is ,a ftream, ru_n– ning into death's devouring def;ps. They w~10 now live in palaces, muft quit them, and go home to this houfe; and they, who have not where te la.y their heads, fualL ' thus have a houfe at length. It is appointed for all by · him whofe coun:Cel fhall fiand. This appointment. cannot be fnifted ; it is a law, which mortals cannot tranfgre.f~. Job's application of this general trnth tohimfelnsexprefs'd in thefe words; I !wow that thou wilt bring met~. dMth. · -. · He