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.Head J. Tha Certainty if n;C:~~. . ~6; He knew that he behaved to meet with death; tliat his • foul and body behoved to part ; that ·God who had fet the tryfl wouJd ce'rtainly fee it kept. Sometimes Job'was. inyiting death to come tohim, and carry himhorrre·'tp 'its houfe; yea, he was ·in hazard of running to it befot~' the time, Job vii. t5. My foul chuflth jlrangling and death, rather than my life. But here he confiders God would ?ring him to it ; yea, -bri!lg him ~n~k to it, as the ;word Imports. Whereby he feems to mttmat\!, thq.t we have no life in this world, but as r.unaways fromdeath.; whic·h ,. -firetcheth Ot).t its cold ari:ps -tO receive US from the womb; but though we do then na,rrowly efcape its clutches, we cannot efcape long; we will he brought had again to it. Job knew th~s; he }lad laid his account with. it, a,nd was looking for it~ ' · DocTRINE. AI~ mufl die. Although this doctrine be confirmed by ~!te experienc.e of all former generations, ever fince Abel entred into tht ·hirufo appo'ikted for ·all 11-ving ; and tho' the living know that they £hall die, _yet it . is needful to difcourfe of the certainty of death, that it may be impreif~d on the r.Jinq, and duly confidered. · 1 Whe~efore confider Ji.rfl., There is a.n unalterableA~~- . tute of death under whtch men are concl~ded, lt,' ~J ap– pr;inted unto ~en once to die, Heb. ix. 27; It is laid up' 'for them, as J)arents lay up for thei,r children l! .they ma; Jook for it, and cannot mifs it; fe~ing G0d has pefigned . and referved it for them. There is no peradventure ia it; we mufl need1 'die, ::~' Sam. xiv, q. 1' '"1-"'ho:ugh fame men will not hear of death., yet every rpan:in.ufl(ee death, Pfal. lxxxix. 48. Death is a chal)lpion aH mull grapple with ~; we muil: enter the lifts with it, arid ~twill have the mafiery, Eccl. viii. 8. There iJ m that ha1h power o– -v,r the JPit"it, to retain the foiril; neither hath he power in the day of death. They indeed who are found alive· at ~hrifi:s coming.fhal/ all be chanted, I Cor. xv. 5 r. Bu·li that .change will be equivalent to death, will an{wet the purpofes of it. i}.ll.other 'perfons mu~ go the common. road, the way ofall fie/h. 2dly, 'Let us confult daily ob~ fervation. Every man·fteth tlJat wife men die, likewift the fool and brutijh pe.rfm, PfaL xlix. 1o. There is room Z · ~nough ,,