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The Cert4inty of Death.· State IV. e:lOugh on this eirth for us, notwithO:andi,~g -of. the mul· titndes that were upon it before us: they are gon~ to ' make room for us; as we mull depart to leave room - fo~· others. It i.s long fince death l'>egan to. tranfport men jn~o another world, andvaft fho.als ~: multitu.des are gont:; thtther already: yet the trade 1s gomg_ on fhll; d~ath is carrying off new inhabitants daily, to the houp appohz· tedfor all living. Whcr could ever hea~ the 'grave fay, It ir miugh ? Long has it been getting, but fiill it a:lketh·. This world is like a great fair or market, where fome – ~re coming in, others going out; white the ajfemNv that ,. is in it i1 confuftd, and ·the more part k'now not wherefore , they are ,co171e toge.ther: or, like a town fituate on the road ~o a' g\e ;t~ city, thro' which fome . t~avellers are paLl:, fQme are paffing, while others are only ~oming .in, . Eccl. i. 4· Onegenerationpdjfoth aw~, amj,anoth.ergeneration cometh; b:tt the earth abideth for ev..~r. Death is an inexorable, irrefiaible mdfenger, who cannot be diverted from exel'" , cuting hi_s orders, by the force of th,~ rpighty, the ,bribes of the rich, nor the intreaties of the po~w.. It not r~verence the hoary head, nor pity the harmlefs bape. The hold and daring cannot outbrav{! it; nor can the faint hearted obt<tin a di[cbar;;~ hJ thiJ Third,~v , The human body confifts of pt rifhing principles, Gm. iii, lC). Dufl thou art, t;tnd :J.nto dttfl t hou Jhalt return. The firon'gell are but br ittle earthen . vdieis~ eafily qroken in f1tivers; The fou l is b:n ·me1.nly~c:uied whi\e in t~is ~nortal body, w,hich is not a honfe of il~ne, but a hottfo . pfc!ay; the mud.walls cannot but .m.6ulder avvay, efpec.i· all.y.feeing the foundation is not on a rock, but in the dufi-; they are cru'fhed before the moth, thougq ,thi1-.infe& be -fo tender, that tP.e gentle touch ci a finger will difpatch it, Job,i··v 19. Tl1ete principles are like gun-powder; a ve · rr f4)alt fpark li'ghting on th(:!m, will fet them on fire, and blow up tpe houre. ' The Uone cf a ra iun, or a hair in milk, have choaked men, and laid the houfe of clay in tlle duft If we con[lder the frame aud firutl:ure of ~ur podies, 4ow fearfully an.d rr.JJ::mderfully •we are made; and on how regular and e.xfl.{t .'f- mot io:1 of the fluids, . and b ;dance _of humours, our life depends; and ~bat 'death ha". ~s mapy doors· to' enter in by, as tl1e body . h"h