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Head ·I. - T'he Ce'rtainty of JJeath. '167. hath pores; 'and 'if we com,pare, the foul" and body to– ge~her, we may jufl:ly reckon, there is fomewh,~t ' more· ~'tftbniihing in our life, than in our deatJl; ·an<). t)ut it i1' more fi:range, to fee du!t walking up and do\':.il_(m th'e , duft~ than lying down in it. Though th~ la,mP, of our . life be not violently blown 'out; yet the fl.ame mufi go out at length, for want of oil. And ~hat are thoie dif– t~mpers and di'feafes we are liable to, but death's har– bingers, that come to prepare its'way ? ~They meet i1s, as foon as we fet our foot on earth, to teli us at our en– try; that we do but .come into the world to go out a– gain. Howbeit, fome are fnatched away in a moment, without being warned by ficknefs or difeafe. Fourthly,· 'Ve have. finful fouls, and therefore have dying ,bodies: death f6llows iln, as the ibadow follows the body. The wicked muft die, by vit'tue of the threatening of the eo-· venant of'works, Gen. 'ii. 17. In the day that thou eattj1 thereof, thi:Ju /halt fiire!y die. And the godiy ·muft die too; that, as death entred by fin, fin may 'go out by d:ath. Chrift has taken , away the fiing of death - as to them.; albeit he has not as yet removed death itfdf. Wh.ere-' fore, though it fafien on them, as the viper did. on · .,. -Paul's ·hand, it fhall do them no har-m: but becaufe the· of fm i$ in the waliJ of the houfe, it 'muft be b·ro- · hen do.-~.J.;n, ·and ~ll the materials thereof ,;arried forth .. · Lajt~y, Man's' life in this ~ world, according to the fcrip– t ure account of it, is but a few degrees removed frorp death The fcfipture reprefents it, as a vain and empty thing, Jbort in its contint.pnce, and fwift in its paffing ; I ~ away , F1'rll, Man's life is a ·oaln and empiy thing, wh;Je it .is: 'it vani lhethaway; a!ld lo! it i~. not, Job vii. 6. JJ!Iy dap, oue ·vanil)'. ·If ye fi.1fpect ~i:P.1iued Job of partiality ih this matte1·, hear the ,:Vife and profperous Solo7:wn's charaCter of the days of his life, Eccl. vii. 1 5. Ail things have I , . f ecn in the ·days of m;·', i. e. ·my vain days. MfJfeJ; \V~lQ ·waS a Very aftive man, COmpares OUr days tO a fleep~· 1 Pir~1. xc. 5. 7 fey are aJ a jlt>ep, which is not notic-ed,. till it be ended. T.l.le 1·efemblance is pat: fewmen have rio-)1t apprehelffions oflife, until death awaken' them· then'~we b . ' et~m to know we were living. We fi'end o-ur y:arras a · Z 2 tale