:i'JO. Ma!!'J Life Vanity. Sta'te IV'.– ne~Jtlly Hefh) h grafi, and all th! gocdlinefi t,3ereofiJ ,aJ J'hf- flower of I hefie/d. The grafs is flouriihing in the morn.. ing; but, in the e,vening, being cut down by the ~owers, is withered : fo man fometimes is walking up and down at tafe in the morning; and in the evening is lying a corpfe,. being knocked, 'down by a, fudden flroke, with one or other of death's weapons. The jkwer, at beftr is but a·weak and tender thing, of f110rt continuance where-ever 1it gmws: but (obferve ). man is not compared to the flower of the. · _garden;. bttt to the flower of the field, which the foot of e- . very beaft may tread down at any dm~. Thus i~ our Hfe .liable to a thoufand accidents every day; any of which· may· cut us ofF. Bqt tho' we fhould efcape aH thefe; Je t at Jengt4 this grq/J withereth, t-his jlorwe1' fadeth oL'itfelf. 1t is carried off, a.Hheclo:ud'iJ conju-nred and vani,;1~ethaway, Job vii.9/· It ]ooks big a~ the n:wrriing cloud, which pro· mifeth great things, an4. raifeth~ the ex.pecrations of the· hufbandme3:n; but the fun rifeth, and t,he cloud is fcat– tered ; death comes, and 'man vanifhetlt 1'he ApoH:le James;propo,feth the quefiionc, TJ!hat i-I ;·cuf. life? chap.iv . 14. Hear his own anfwer, ff;iJ. even _a vaptJUr that appear-· eth fora.-littletime, and t-hen.vanifhetb away. It isfrail, un– certain·, and laH~th not ... lt is asfmokc:- which goes' out of ~·e chimney;as-ifit fhould darken the face of the heavens;· but quickly is fcattere&, and appears.no more:- thus goeth•, · man's life; .and,whereiJ he? It is~ '"JJind; job'viti.7. ()re– ment/}ei. that my life is 4ind~ I.t is-but a paffing blaft:, ·a· J'hort·puff\ a wind thal"p ·,lfotiYaway, andcometh not again, Pfal. h:xxviii'. 39· 0urbreath is in 6Ur no.flriiJ, as it were alwa-ys upon the wing to depart; ever paffing ;md repaf– fing like a traveller, until it g 'o away for· good and all, . :not to ret1irn; till the heav-ens. be no more. , . Lajl/y) Man's life is .ajr-.;..,cJft thing; not:only a · paffing; out' afijing vani ty. H~v,e you riot obf~rved how fwiftly ~~'· Jhadow hathr;:m alo~g the ground, in a .c~loudy a~dwiX:dY. day,fuddep.ly darkenmg the places beautd1ed betore wtth 1 the beams of the fun, but'as·fuddenlydifappearing? Such• is-,the life of,.man on the earth, for he.-jlie<th as · a /lJa~o"'&, ·~nd:contimuth not; Job x·iv-. ::1 ·•• A .w~aver's . fhuttle is v.errr f~vift · in its motion; in a moment it is tJuowo fr,om one, ·fide · o.fithe; web:tO, the.a,ther.: J:~J our. da;·1.'arc.frwifter t,han .a.~ 1 'I;WP.. vcr.' s..;;