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~72 The U'arld a ·vain 'lhing. State IV, us, when we purfue it fo eagerly, even \vhile it f~ownsup• on us?) But look into the grave, 0 man, confider and be wiie ; lifi:en to the doCtrine of death; and learn, ( •·) That hof.d as .fafl as /hou canjl, thou )halt be forced fo let go t/;y hold oftheworld at le~;gth. Though thou load tli yfelfwith: the fruits of the earth; yet aiJ ihall fall otf when thou cem– eft to creep into tl1y hoJe, tbe houje under ground, appoint– ed.for all living. When death come£, thou muft: bid an. eternal farewel to thy enjoyments in this world : thou muff leave thy goods to another; and whofe jba/1 th~(e things be . · ::• !Which thou hafl providefl? Luke xii. -20. ( 2~) Thy portion · · o(theje things Jha/1 he ·very little ere long .· Ifthou lie do\~·n Ol'l.the grafs~ and ftretch thyfelf at full length, and o·b{erve the print of thy body when thqu rifeft, thou mayell fee l10w much of this ·earth will fall to thy fhare at lafl:. It may be thou :fhalt get' a coffin. and a winding-fheet; but thou art not fure of that: Many who have had abundance · of wealth, yet have not had fo much when they took lip their new houft in the land of fi!ence. But however. that be, more ye cannot expect. It was. a mortifying leffon, Sa- . ladine, when dying, gave to his foldiers. Iie called f01~ l'lisJhmdard-bearer, and ord~red him to take -his- v~indjngil•eet .~pori . his pike, and go oat' to the camp y,;ith it, ana .tell tliem, Tl1at of al'l hi? conquefls, vi~lories, a:nd triun1phs, he ha~ nothi~g now Jeft him, but that piece of. l'inen to wrap his body iu for burial. La/l~?, This <world i1 p · (alje friend, who leaves a man in time of greateft 11eed; and fires from.him when he has mofl ado. When thou: art Jying on a d~ath- bed, all th-y friends and relat-i-– ons can:not ref-cue t,hce; all thy fubfhmce cannot ranf(>m thee; noJ; procure thee a-repriev,efor oqe day; nay,not for – one hour':· Yea, the more thou 'pofleffe·ft of this world's . goods~ ~lu forroyv at is Jike tobe the greater: for tho.' one may livemore-cornmodioufiyin a palace, than in a cot– tage;_yet he may die more ~;:if-i lyin·,tl'e cottage, where lie has '~ery litcl'e to fDdlke- him fond· of lif~. _... Second/p, le may ferve ::ts ajlort;•hou(e for Chri!l:ian.eon· ' tentment and patien.u-und'er worloly loifes and crotfes.• A . dofe a-pplication af the do~ri-D-c: ·ofdeath is an excellent re– rt:edy againft fretting ; a:nd Rives fome .eafe to a 4·ankled ·heart. \Vl1er1 J.obl1ad.fnftained very g~eat lo.ies, ~e fat:_ • deWDt ' , - ..