274 Contnz/m(nt a,nd Patience. State IV• .ther;by .gain. a double advantage; our worldly forrow · would he div~rted, and our befr treafure increafed. ( 4.)' Crofres of this nature will not: lafr long. The· world's· f~1iles.. and frow.i1s will be quickly bn·ried together in ever.;· lafting forgetful~lei:;: ,Its fmiles go away as the foam ·on the water, and its frovvns are as a paffing ftttch in a m'an's– fide. Time flies away with fwift wings, and carries our; earthly comfous, and croiie~ too, along with it: neither' ' of them will accompany us imo the houft appointed for · . a!/ lioing; Job iii. 17. There the wicked Naje from trou– bling, and tl: ~re the weary be at rejl. Ver. r8. rz,ete• the P!iJoner.s· refl, together, the_y hear not the voice of the op– prejj(;tJ. Ver. 19. 'The final/ and great are there, and the· ftr.vant is free .from his majier. Cafr your eyes on eterni• . ty, and ye will fee, a/fliRion here is .but for a mo1hent. The ,trut.h is. our time is fo verv fhort 1 tlu.t it will not · allow either our joys, or griefs, 'to come to perfection~ Wherefore, let them 1 that weep, be as tho' the)' •weepr:d not; aJJd~~they -that ,:ejoice, as 'tho' they rejoiced not, &c. 1 Cor; . :Vli..,··itJ.; jo, 3 1. ( 5.) D'cath <will put all mm on a /ev i l. < ~~king and ~he beggar muft dwell in .one houfe, whenthey come ~0 ~.~eir journey's 'end, tho' theiu entertainment by the way be'very dlff~I'ent. "[he Jmali and rhe grrecrtare !here, Job iii. i9. We are in this world as on a ib.1 ge: it· is no great matter, whit-her a man aCt the part of a: prince ' or a peafant; for when they have acted th(;ir parts, they' muft both get beh~nd the curtain, and ~ppear no more: Lajl/y, Ifthou be not in Chrift, whatever thy affliCtions now be, troublei a thou(a_nd timer<wotfe are abiding thee in ano– t-her "J.J?r!d, Deathwill turn thy croi1cs into pure unmixed curfe&: and then how gladly wouldCt thou return to thy ' former afiliSle~Jt'ate, and purchaie it at any rate, went there any p' ofr!bilit'yof iuch a retur.n. If thou he.in c,· hrift, , )i, I thou m:1yJt well hear thy crofs: Death wjll ·put an end. _t· tp all thy• tr.oubles. If a man ~n a journey be r\ot well ac– con!mo.::late' w.l'lere he lod2'eth on'ly for -a night, he ~i'.rill ' . y not trouble himfe lf m:1cl1 about the matter; bccaufe ,he is not to fhv the r e, it is not his home, Ye are o.n the ro :>. d to eter~ity; let ~t not difquiet you, that you meet· with fome harclfhips. in the inn of this world. !.,ret p.9t,' hecaufe it is not fa well vitit...~ vou as with fome othe.f:g·,. # ••.• ,.• One -I ..