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E~«~otfationJ to Sinntr.t. leHe not 'one fior1e of them upon another, and' ye never be able to hope arjy more. ... Secondly, HaHen, 0 finners, out of your wickednefs, ont O'f you r finful fiate, and ou t of your wicyked life: if ye woald - not at de ath be drive~ away in your wick~dnefs. Rem7m– ber the fatal end of the wicked man, as the text reprefents it. I know there is a g~eat difference in the death of the w'iGked in refpetl: of fome· circumfiances ; but a.ll of them, ·, in their death, agree in this, that they are. driven arway in· their 'IJJi,kedneft. Some of them die refolute!y, as if they !corned to be afraid:' raging defpair, fo 61Ied with horror, that they c,ry out as if they were alt"eady in hell -; others in ful1en defpondency, oppre!t with fea-rs, 'infomuch that tbeir hearts are funk within them, upon the remem· brance of mif-fpent time, and the view they have of e!ernity; fiaving neither bead nor heart to do any •thing fo-r their own· relief: And others die fiupid; they lived like b:ea:fls., and they die llke beafl:s, Without any concern on t~Jeh· fp~rits a– bout their eternal ftate. ·They groan under thei·r bod'ily diflrefs, but ftave no fenfe·,o(the danger of their fouls·•. One ' may with almoll as much profpeet of fuccefs fpeak to a fione, as fpeak to them : vain is the attempt to teach them ; no~ thing that can befaid moves them. To difcourfe to them, either of the joys of heaven, or the toi'n'lemes of hen, i·s· to piow on a ·rock, or beat the aiv. Some die like the foolifh .. virgins, dreaming of heaven ·: their foreheads are fiee!ed · againfi: the fears ofhell, with prefumptuous hopes of hea– ven. Their bufinefs, who !lld be ufeful to them, is· not t.o anfwer doubts about the cafe oftheir fouls; but to dif- ' pute the:n out of their falfe hopes. But which way foever the unconverted man dies, he is driven away in his "Wicked... 1iefi . 0 dreadful cafe ! Oh, let the confideration of fo l1orrible a cleparture out of this world, move you to he· t ake yourfelves to Jefus Cb.rifr, e.s an all-fufficient 1 Saviour, and almight y Redeeme~. Let it prevail to drive youout of ym~r - wickedoefs, to holinefs of heart and life Tho' yotl J eFkon it pleafant to live in wickednefs; you cannot b1.1t own it .is bitter .to die in it:. · And if you leave it not in time, you 0Jall go in your wickednefs to hell, the pro·per – pJ4ce of it, that it may be fet there on its own bafe. For . ~hen ycli! are pafli.og out of this world, all your fins, from £b2 ~e