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l!,'xhr;rlt1/ionJ I~ Sinner1. the e!deQ to the youngefi: of them. ~tJl fivarrn abopt you, hang opon you, accompany you fo. tht; Qther world; and, ~s fo maoy f';Jries, furround y.o~ there for ever. : Lfflly, 0 be concern~d for · Pthe~s, ·efp.eciaJly .for your relation~, that they rna' not cpntiJme ,in their .fipful natul al llate, but be rbrought into a fi~te of filvation ; left they be driven ~way in their wic~ednefs at qeath. Wh·at wopld ye mo~ do to prevent any q_f yo.ur friends dying an Q.p timdy ~~d vjoleot d~ath ? B~t ala~ ! do not Y9Q (ee them i:q hapr~ C?f being driven away i~ their. wic~ednefs ?. 1s not death ap– prof-ching .them, even the you~gefi of tb~m? And are they · ~Qt ~r~ngets to true Chriltianity, remaining in that Hate ip which they '7a0lj;: into lhe· world ! Qh ! ma-~e hafie to . pJuck t~e brand opt of th~ fire, be{ore it be_butnt to afhes. , The d~ath of relatiops often le~ves . ~- fi!ng: in tpe h~arts of ~hefe they leave behind them ; for that· they do ·not do for ~h~ir (oJlls, as they had oppo.rt\lo.ity .; ~nd that now tbe op· JlOrlunity is for ever t~~en out pf Jhei~ .~jiP~~· I .. :Po cTp~E I~. The fla(~ of the t:odlj m_~ de~th, i r a hpP,fful./ia.t(• - , .. '.. . '•' V{e have feen the d~rk ~·de of the -~lo,u4 lo~kiog to· ~ards men, pa!fing ottt of t~ e ~orl~;; , .let us n(!W ' \ake_~view of tbe bright fide ~f itt Ql !n j ~g Qn the god ly, ~s they qTe e11triog upop th~ir eternal t1ate! . ~n- difco.uding this fubj etf, 1 iliail confirm this dochine~ .a.nfwu a,n .ob· jettio:o , ~gaiolt it, ~~d tl\eo .m ' <-: fQrne ·pra~ical improve· Jnent of the whole. For ,.o,Jjirmation, let it be 9-bfernd, Th~~ although the out of this, wodd by death, haye a fr-ightful ~ fpe~t . r ' s.o poor mortals; and tomifc.arry in it muft needs be of f~ial confequeoce; y~t -the f{)ll~)\vmg circumflap.ces make the · . .(la ~ e of tb~ godly in their death, ha·ppy and hopefu,J. · Firfl, 'I'b~y have a truf:l:y good friend before them in the · other world. Jefus Chrifi .their .beH fri end, is Lord of that land to which death car.ries them. Whet) Jofeph feot for ,his fath er to come down to him to Egypt, telling hiin, Gael., had made him lord ~ver all Egypt, Gen. }l:'lv. 9· and .7acob ' Jaw th~ ·waggom Jofeph hadfont to.carry him,·it o.f .Jacob re:v.ivtij ver .. ? 7. He· f,aukly refolv;e~ to uude1t~~e .