, State rJf the Codly, &-c. t~e Journey. I think wpen the Lord calls a · godly man o ut of this world, he fends him fuch , glad tidings; and .fuch a kind invitation into the other world' ; that if he had faith• t o beli ev-e it, his fpirit mu!l ·revive, when he fees th~ wfg– ~a·n of death, which comes to carry hiPl·thith'er. It i~ tr!le rndeed, hft has a, weighty trial to undergo; _after death drr judg nitnl. But ·the cafe of the godlY' is-altogether hopeful; for the Lord of the /d11d-is their·huJhand, -and their huHn nd is their judge: The Father bath committed. all judgment 1MIO th~ Sonl. John V.22. And furely the care of the \~ife is hopeful, when her own hufbaod is her•judge, even fuc&- a hufb :1od as hates putting ~way. , No huili1nd is fo loving a.nd.fo tender of h is· fpoufe; as the Lord Chrill is of' hts'. One wol.'lld think, it would be a very bad land which a wife would no~ willingly ·go to> where her hu'Jband' is .the r uler andjudge. Moreover, their Judge is ·tf.le advocate, 1 John ii,. 2~ l~e have an advocate with th~ Fa~her, Jefu·t t:brifl i he r ighteotu. And therefore they need not fear th eir being put hack , aod-.falliog into condernnation.' What· can be mo re favourable? Can ·they;thiok tha-t he whople-ads· . ·, t heir cauJe, wiH himfelf pafs fentence again1l: them r Yet . fun: her·, ·t heir Advocate is their Redeemer; they a: re' re·· ile~med with i he preciouJ hJood,·of Chrifl, I Pet. j. 1.8; I 9'• S-o when -he pfea,Js for rhem, he is pl~ading· his own caufe~ Though ·an ad vocate may be care!efs of th~interefl orone 'who imploys him:., furely he will .do-his· u-tmott' tO; defend, his own right , \\ilich he bath pu rchafed· with h-is vt.oiuy :-– and lhaH not their ·advocate d~fend the purchafe of his own hlood? .But mo re than all that,,. thei r Redeemer isthei:r head, arid i:h·ey·are his.member.t~ E ph. v. 23· jOh T1lou·gh. OJ)~ Wer e [6, fi.ll y ·as 'to le t h.i~ own purch'afo go, without ftand• in ~ up tn qefendhis right, yet farely he will nor quit a.limb of,hi s owr1bo.dy•. · Is not thei't.· cafe then hopefu.l in' death,. , whu- are (o clofely- linked and allied· to. the Lord of theo: o-~her wortd; who ha: h·the keys. of hefl and''~[ death ,·· · S ec.ondf.v . TheyJhall ha.ve -a.fafe paffage toaqotherwodd·: . They mu·il indeed go through t,he val!ey·oftheJhariow of· ~a th-; qut tho'· itbe in"'i.tfelf a darkand !hady v:~le, it fin!l · be a va lley..of hnpe.to them :' they ihall not be d'ri~n thro'~ it, but, wa!R thro' •it; as men in perfeCt fafety; whofeai' · m.:- ~tJiJ~ P.fal.~~iii. 4~ Why Lh~mld they:fea.r.l ~hey .have · B.b 3. · tl:.e