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the Lord of tl1e land's fafe conduct, his ,p.afs .fealed with his t1Wn blood, namely, the blelfed covena.nt, :which is the faint's death- bed comfort. 2 Sam xxiii. 5. Althtiugh my hot4{e be not fo with God, yet he hath made with me an' 1.verlafiing CovENANT, orr/er'ed in allthing1 andfur~: fort:hi.s iJ all my falvation, and all my dejir.e, alt-ho' he ca_uft it: not to grow. Who then can harm.them? It is fC;l.fe riding• in Chrift's chariot (Cant. iii. 9.. ) both thro' life and death. They have good and hon6urable attendants, aguard. even a guard of angels., 'Thefe encamp about them . in the timeef their life; and. furely. will not .Jeave them in the day of their death. Thefe happy miriifi:ring fpirits are attendants, on their Lord's bride, and will doubtlefs convey l1er fafe~ home to his houfe. · When friends in a mournful · mood; iland by the faint's bed-fide, waiting to fee him draw his·. ·- 1 ]aft breath.;. his foul is waited for of holyangr:h. to be car-. ri~d by them in(o Abraha.m'1 bojom~Luke .xv.i.22. TheCap· tain of the faint's falv~tion is the captain of this holy.guard:~ he was their guide ev.en. unto death, and he will be the-in ~uid_e . through it too, Pfal. xxiii. 4- YM, tho' I walk througb– ·th~ 'Valley of the jhadow if death, 1rwi/1fear 110 evil; for. thou, ~ri ~i,th me•. They may without fear p~fs that rive~~ be– ing confident it fhall not overflow them ; ancl may walk; · through that fire, being fure they fltall .notbe. burnt by it • . Death can do them no harm .. It cannot even hurt their bodies. ;·, for, tho~ it feparate the. foul. from the body; i~ ()annot_feparate. the body from the Lord. .Chrift Even. death,is to fhem bu t jleep in Jifzu,; t.Thdf. iv_. r 4• They. continue me.Ipbel_'S of C~rifi:, tho' in a grave. Their·duil i's precious duff, laid up in the graYe. as .in rheir Lord.'s-:: cabinet.. They-lie in a grave.mellcwing, as. p~ecious fruit-·' laid up to be brought forth · to .him .at the refurrettion•. , The hulbandman has corn in his .barn, and corn lying in the ground; . th~ latter is more pre.ciouli to hi:rp than. the Jormer-, becaufe he .looks to get it .returned with increafe. , Even fo i tbe dead bodies ofthe 1aint5 ·are valued by. their · Saviour; - they are fo'Wn-;in -corruption, to be raifed 'in in"' tar.r.uptio71 i )own in dijhon{)ur. , to be glory,. 1 C.or~ xv; . 42, 4 3; It_c2nnot lmrt their fouJs •. It is,witluhe.fouls•., ef.'the faints at death, as -.with ,Paul and his . c.ompa.ny in.. ~heir. voy_a£~~-. whereof. W;e'- h.ftYe~ the ~ h.iA.oryj~ .If[/!' ~xvi.i~. . . th,~~. . I