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. H~ad II. in DtatiJ hopeful. with the royal apparel and th~ horft, Efiher iv . 1 r.~· yvith commiffion to do t4em honour; how_foever aukward!y it be l"'erformed: I queHion r,ot but HamatJ performed the ~erem!Jny with a very ill mien, a pale face, a down loo.~; • r and a cloudy countehance, and like one wlw to hang · !tim. 'rat,ler than to honour. :But h~~ whom the king ddighted to honour, behoved to be honoured; and Ha1JJan, Mor4~cai'~ grand enemy, mulll?e the man ernployec;l· to put this 4onour upon him. Glory, glory-,,glory, blef· fing and prai.(e to our Rede~mer,our Saviour, o~r Jyft;di~- > tor, ~y whote death, grim devo11ring death is IUade to do, fuch a good office to thofe whom it might otl!er\vife have l1nrried away in their wick~~n~fs to utter and eternal de• .firuction! a ~ying day is in itfelf a joyful day tp ~he god.• ly, it is. their r~dempti~~~ day; when the captives fire ~le• livered, when the prifoners ar~ fet free. l~ is thf! day of the pilgrims co??Jing home from their pilgrimage; the d<j.y in whic;h the heir& of glory return from their ~ravel1s inta their own country, and their.J:i'qther's houfe; and enter into a_ttual po(feffion of the gloriou!l i:J;1herit:,1nc~. 1 It is t.heir m,ar:r.:iqge· qay : BOW. is the time of efgoufals ; but tl1en t4e marriage is COf![ummate, a!Jd a m~rriage f~aft begun which hq.s no period·. lf fo, is not thl;(,. ftate c,>t tlle godly in de;uh a hiJpifu! fi'\te ? · OBJ'ECT •. !)ut if ~h~jlat~ of tb~ godly in their death h.e fi hopeful, how comes it to pafi I qat many of them, rwhen dying•. are.fullojfears, an4 have little hopf? ANsw. It pmfl: be owned, th:,it f~in~s do not all die in one and 'the , fame manner; there is a diverfity among t~em,_ as well a~ among the wi~ked; yet the wont cafe of a 9ying faint is in"' qeed a hopeflJl pne. Some q~e (riumphantly, in a full affu .. ranee of f4ith, 2 '(im. i.v. 6. The. tin1e ofmy departure.. i:r .p.t ham!! Ver. 7. 1 have fought a:go.odfight~ 1 have jin.ifh– fd ??lJ c9urfo. I have kept the faith. Ver. 8.' Hencefort4 there is .laidup for me a cro'Wn, of rij./hteoufnefl. . Theyget <1: ta!le of the jon of he~ven, wh:ile her~ onearth~ and be– gin the fungs of Zion, while yet ina fb ange lana . . O'th~s .die in a falid fiduciaL dependance on the1r Lord and Savi– our ! ~hou~h they cannot fing tri urnph.f!, ye,t they can and wtll fay confidently, The Lord is their God.-Tho' they · G-';lnnot triu~p.h· () 4~ath) with. ohlSim'=on, h.cwi;lg~brilt - . , , iD