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anent Death anfw(red. _ 3ei , ~:· we ~'6t be alli.amed that we do not fecurely truA: him with ~ . . the concerns ~f ~r fam.ilie~, to whom_, as ~~r S~viour and Redeemer, we·4iave committed our eterna\ tnterefis ! - CAsE ·u. Death will take UJ away from qtfr d~a~friendJJ yea, we jhall not foe the Lord in th~ ~and if, (hp livintt in .,~· the bleffed ordi11ances. AN sw. It wlll take you~ tQ yqu~ ' bell: friend, the Lord Chrifi. And the f~iend(yqu ~~~ve be- · h~nd you, if they be indeed pe~fon·s of W.o~~11?~_.yo9·:~m 'meet' them again when they come to heaven; ·a:aa. ybu wtfl neyer be fepirated any more. If death take you. away from 't?e temple below, it will carry you to the temple above. It w1ll inde~d take you from the ll:reams, but it will fet you down by the fountain. If it put out you~ candle, it will carry yoa where there is no night,. where' there is an .eternaJ 4ay. . . CAsE Ill. [have fo. muc~a{o, 'in time'ofbealt/J, tofalif– fj m}felf tU to my interefl in Chrifl, about my being a real Chriflian, a regenerate man; that l judge it almojl im- / po.!Jible !lhould diecpmforta'bly. AN'sw. lfir is thus with' you, the~ double your diligence, trJ mak~your c;alling and ~./eBion jure. Endeavour t.o gtoW in knowledge, and walk I dofelyw_ith Go'd; be diligent in felf-examination; and p~ay earneftly for the Holy Spirit, whereby you may know the thiqgs freely given you of God. If fllu are enabled by the . power and fpirit of Chrill:, thus 'diligent1y to profecute your fpir itual conce~ns; tho' the time of y.our life be neither day nor night, yet at e.vening lir!Je , it mdy be l~ght. Many weak Chri.Hiaos indulge doubts aad fears ab9ut their fpiritual fiate. as if they placed at leaf!: fame part of religion in this impru-– dent praCtice.: but towards the period of life, they are forced io think and 'actin another maaoer:, The traveller: who reel kons he has time to fpate, may lland .lHll debating with himfeif, whether this or the other bethe right way: but whea · the fun be-gins 'to 'fet, he is forced to lav aftde his fcruples, and refolutely to go forward on the road he judges to be the right one, left he lie all .oight in the open ~elds. T.hus f<;>me Chriflians who perplex thernfelves much througho\lt the co~rfe of their Jives, with jealous doubts and fears, ·oootent themfelves wh-en they come todie, with fuch evidences of the fafety of their ll:ate, as they could not be f.,tisfied with before; and bydifputing Jefs againfhhemfelves, and believing more, . •ourc the peace t~ey foxmerJy rej~;~ed, . and .aain it too C c C.a.s&