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Head·H. ; anent TJ'eath, anfwtr~i. 393 evil to conie. An early removal 'out of this world prt:ven~s much fin and mifery : and they have no ground of com.plaint,_ who get the rejidue' of t'heit yearr in ·Immanuel's l~nd. · 5ure1y thou fualt live as long as-thou hall work cut-out for thee by the great Mafier, w be done for him-in this ·world; .and when that i:~ at an end, it is high time to be gone. · CASE VIII. I am afraid of fudden, dea-th. ANsw. Tho• mayflindeed diefo. Good£/i .diedfuddenly, 1Sam iv.t8. yet d~ath found him watching, ver. t 3• Wat-ch therifore,for ye '!wow not wh(lt.hour the Lord doth come, Mat • .xxiv•4.2.• But be not afraid, it is an unexpreffible comfot t,. that death, come when it will 2 can never 'catch thee out of Chrift: and there- . fore can never feize thee, as a j_aylor, to hurry thee into the ·prifon of hflll. Sudden death may haften ~nd facilitate thy. paffage to heaven, but can do thee no prejudice. _ CASE lX. 1am afraid it be my lot f() die wanting· th~ cx;rcife ofreafon, ANsw·. I make no qaeftion but a child of God, a true Chri"Hilm, may die in this cafe. / But what J1arm ? There is no hazard io it, as to his e.ternal !late : -a difeafe, at death, .may dive!l him. of his reafoti, but not of ' his religion. When a man going a long voyage, pas put his affairs in /or'der, and put all his goods aboard; he himfe1f . !nay be c-arried aboa-rd the lhip-lleepiog: all is fafe with him, ahhoug_ll he knows not where 'he is, till he awaken in the fhip. Evep fo the god'ly man, who dies in this cafe, may die uncomfortably, but not unfafely. CAsE lafl_, 1af!J naturally timorout, and tbe very tboughtr -.f death are terrible to 'me. AN s w. The Jefs you think oa death, the thoughts of it will be the mote fiightfu1 : but· make i1: familiar to youby frequent meditations upon,it, and you may thereby allay your fears. Look at the white and bright fide of the .-cloud: take faith~s view of the city that hath flundatiom; fo fht~ll yotffee .$ope in your death. Be . ?"li_Y affe~ed with the body o~ fin a!ld death, the frequent InterruptJOns ofyour commumon WJth God, and with the glory which dweiJs on the other fide death: this will con· tribute much to remo-ve llavifu fear~ lt is pity.faints lhould be fo fond of life as they often are: they ought always to be in good terms with death. Whco matters. are d?IY confidered, it might well be expeCted e– Y~ry .cluld~oi God, every regenerate man, Jh~uld zeneroufly G·c 2 profeft· ·