go6 Dire!lionJ h~w Id prepare for Death. State JY·•. jare for death, fo as we may die com(ortahly. I fpeak not l1ere of habitual preparation for death, which a true Ch ri – fHan, in virtue. of his gracious ftate, never wants, fro~ the, til'l)e h~ is born again and united to Chrifi; but of ~1ua!' preparation or readinefs in refpeCl: of his circum{bntiate· cafe, frame,. and ~ifpofition of mind and fpi·rit ; .ihe want •f which makes even a faint very unfh to die~ Firjl, Let it be your confiant care to keep a clean con-– fcience, a conjciinu voido(offtncl IDrwardGoJ, and /()#V.Jart/1 1/lan, Acts. xxiY 16. Beware ~fa Handing corltl ovedy be· rwixt God.and you, on the account of fome iniquity rtgard– ed in the·heart. When an honefl· man ie about to leave his· country., and not to re1uro, he fettles accompts whh thofe , fle had dealings withl and lays down methods for pa)ing· I· ~is debts timeoufly; left he be .reckoned a bankrupt, and· "e attacked. 'by an <Jfficer, when he ·is going off. Guilt ly· ing on the confcience is a, four.tain of fearS"; ' and will readily· .fting feverely, when death fiues'the cdmin<ll in the face. Hence-it is, thin many , even of God's children,. when a· dying, are made to.wilh ·p~ffionateJy . and ddire eagerly that they m<ly live to do, whclt the'' ought to bave done before that time ~ Wherefore, walk c:lofely with God, be dili– :eni, firi81 ·and eX·'i-Cl: in ,y.our courfe : be:ware of a Joofe, C.irelef~_, ar.d irregolar converfuioo; as ye would · not Jay' · trp ·for· yourfelv.es. anguifh and bitternt:fs of fpirit in · a dy· jvg. b9pr, Anti ~e c•ufe, throug-h the i~;lii mity deavingrtO· _ \1 ~\ if1 our pr.efent .fiate o~ impe• fc.ction ; in many things wt· •ffend.'tzll, ·renew your· r~pentance dtily :. and be eve1 wafh· ing inlt be Recl~emo 's blned. As long as ye are in the– ..-orid\ ye will ~ need torwajhyr;ur fiet , Johnxiii . to. thatis-, . t.o ·make application of the blo<,<J of Chrift ~new, for purg• -i~g your coofc •ences from the guilt:o f daily mifcuriages. Let dearh find you at the · fountain;· a11d if fo, it will ·6'od you . readv to anfwer its call. ,, , s;~oml!y, Be :.iwa.ys watchful ; waiting for ~our change,, Like unto men that waitjqr their· Lord· that rwhe·n h-e com... ttlh and knockrth , th~y' m '~J Ctpen, unto him lnzm-ediately-.·. .l,uk~ xii 36. Beware ofjJumb~~ring · andjleepi1!g, . rwhile th~~ Jridtgr.oom ttmr.i~·!. To be awakened outoffpiricual flumber, · &ly a fuqn tfing call to pafs into . anod1er- wor.ld; , is· a very6-i&_,htft.d tbio&,: but he. who~ is ~ daily, waitinlfir·I he·c-om~n~~