< Head H. Dire{liont haw to prepare for Death.. ,309 God's commands; he oppofelh and wreftleth againft that fin ; which of all other m~fi: eafily befets him; he approy– eth and loveth the holy law, ev~n in that very porn.t wherein it fi:rikes againft his mofi: beloved luft; his .hope . of heaven engageth him in the ftud y of univerfal holinef~, in the which he aims at perfettion;though he cannot reach ·it in this life ;. he ferves the Lord not o,nly in aCts of wor- . 1hip, but in the whole of his converfation; and as to bbt1t ·js fpiritual in the principle, m_otives, aims, and ends of his fervice; yet he fees nothing in him,felf to trull to be• fore the Lord: Chrift and his fulnefs is the fray of his foul ; and his confidence is cut offfrom all that is not Chrift or in Chr.ifl:, in point.of juftification, or acceptance with.' God; and in point of fanCl:ification too. ' Every one iri 'whom thefe charatl:ers are found, has a title to heaverf, . according to the word . It is convenient and profitable to mark fuch texts for this fpecial ufe, as they occur, while ·you read the fcriptures, or hear fermons. The marks of a regenerate ftate thus fi~ed; in the next place~ irnparti,• ally {earch and try your own hearts thereby, as in th~ fight of God, with dependance on 'him for ,fpiritual dif– cerning, that ye may. know whether they be in you or not. And wh·en ye find them, form the conclufion deli!" berately .ind dillinttly; namely, that' therefore · you are regener a te ,· and have a title to heaven. Thus you may gather evidences. But be fure to have recourfe to God ·' in. Chrifi by earneft prayer,_ for the td/imrmy or the Spirit, I whofe office it is to hear- witnif.i with our fpirit~ . that we ~Jre the cliildrm of God, Rom. viii . . t 6. - Moreover, care-' ... , fully ,obferve the courJe and method ofprovidence towards · you; and likewife how your foul is affected uoder the fame, in the various. fh:ps thereof: compare both with fcripmre doctrines, promifes, tbrea.tnings, and examples~ fo ihall ye perceive,, if the Lord deals with you· aJ he uf– ~th tr; d~ unto' tho(e that love his name; and if you bexoing forth hy the footflepJ t?f thefl~ck, thil; may aff0rd you com~ .fortable evi ~ence . Wa1k tl'nderly and circ,umfpetily; and the L~~rd wtll m~ni(eji himftlf I~ you , according to his prpm1fe, John Xtv . 1.1 • . H~ that hath my commandmet?tJ, ~Jn d keepeth them, .he it iJ that loveth me; and -he that J(}!l)... 11.1h Nz.t, /hall ~e.l~ved if my Fat6trr; t~nd I ry;i/1 love him., ~1Jfl ~