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BIG · Dirdliom horw to prepar~for D~ath. S'tate IV. and 'Will manife.fl myftlf to him,. But it is in· to· · . think of fuccefsful felf-ex?-mination, if ye be loofe and irregular in your converfation. · Lajily, Difpatch the work of your day and generatio•; with ipeed and diligence. David, afttr he had forved hi.r rumgeneration by the 'Will of God, fell on jleep-, Acts xiii-. g6. God has alloted us certain piect~ of work of this kind, whic]l ought to be difpatched before the time of ~orking .he ~ver; F;cclif ix. ro. Whatjoever thy hand jindeth to d,, _ tio it rwith thy might: for there is no 'Workt nor knowledge~ n~r 'Wijdom, in the gravet whither thou goefl. Gal. vi . 10.• .A.t #we have therefore opportunity, let us d~ go~d unro all tncn, ejpecial/y unto them who are orthe houjhr;ld offaith. 'If a p~ffenger after he has·got on fhip- board, ..and the iMp is geujng under fail, remember that he has omitted to difpatch a prece of neceffary bufinefs when he was afhore~ ' it muft need.s be uneafy to him: even fo refleCtion in a -dying hour, .upon neglected feafons, and loft opportarii– tie§, cannot fail to difquiet a Chriflian. Wherefore, whatever is incumbent upon thee to do for God's_ho– nour, and the good of other~; either as the duty of thy fiation, or by fpc;cial opportunity put into thy hand, per: form it feafonably, if thou wouldit die comfortably. · HEAD · Ill. , / The R E S U R R E__ .c. T I · 0 ·N. , JoHN v. ~s M~n.Jel n~t tll this: For the hour is coming, if1 the rwbiel all' that are in the graves., Jhall hear hiJ voice: . · . Ver. 29. And !ball ccnuflrth, thry that have done good, ttn!o tbe refurrec1ion D/ lifct and thry that have doni · evil, untD I hi t·efurreflion if damnation. , THESE words are part of the defence our Lord Je– fus Chrift makes for himfelf, when perfecuted by the · J-e<7.vJ for curing the impotent man, and ordering him to · · carry, away his bed on the Sabbath ; "nd -fop vindicatin~ llis tonduet, when accufedby the.m of havin.g thereby pro.: · · fanee