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Head III. , The Rifurrelfion. ~11 faned.that day. On this occafion he profeffeth himfetfnot •· ·only Lord of the 5abbath, but alfo ~ord of life and death, declaring in the words of the text, the refurrettion of ;the dead to be brought to pais by his power_. This he introduceth with thefe words, ' as with a folerim preface, Marvel not a1 thii, i.e. at ·this fl:range difcoud'e of mine: do not wonder to hear me, wh.1fe appearance is fo very mean in your eyes, tal.k at this rate; for the day is com• ing. in :which the d~ad !hall ·be raiftd~by my power. _ · Obfervein this text, ( 1.) The" doctrine of the refurrec• tion a!ferted, All that are in thegraver /hall ~ear his voice, .«ndjha/1 com~ forth .. The dead bodies which are reduced. L .t-o dnfl:, fl.all revive. and evidence life by hearing and .rpoving . ( 2.) The author of it, Jefus Chrift, The Sr;n ~f man, ver. 2j. The dead fhall hear ~is voic~, and be raif- ;ed thereby. (3·) The number that !hall be raife~, .11/that ,are in the ~raveJ, i.e. all the dead bodies of men, h9w– foever differently difpofed of, as it were, in different kinds -of graves; or all the dead, good :tnd bad. They are 'f?.Ot all ~uried in, gra:v~s, properly fo called; forne are bu.rned to allies; fome drowned, ~n.a buried in the· bellies ·.of fifhes; yea, ,fome devoured by man. eaters called Caiz– · niba!J: but wherefoever the matteror.fuhilance of which the body was compofed is to be found, th~nce they .[hall ,c_r;me forth. (4.) The great di!Hntl:ion that ·fhall be made betwixt the godly and the wir.ked. They !hall indeed both rife again in the rejtirreflion. . None of the godly fhall be miffing; though perhaps they either had no bu– rial. or a very obfcure one ; and all the wicked !hall com~ ' forth; the!r vaulted tombs fuall hold them no longe·r than · ~e voice is uttered• . But the former fha:ll have a joyful . refurreCl:ion· to lift, whilft the latter have a dreadful refurret.l:ion to damuatian. Lafl/y, Th~ fet time ofthis great event: there is an ,h(;ur, or certain fixed period of time, appointed of God for it. 'We are 'not told wheB– that hour will be, but that it h coming : for thi~, amon~ other reafons, _that we may always be ready. D.oc T. There jhall be a Refurrdlion of the Deatl. In difcourfing of this fubj~a:. I fhall jir/1 !hew the cd,.. , tainty of the reforre!lion; next, I £hall enquire int9i the · nafurt-