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The P of!ibility ()f the !t'eJurreflion. State IV· irature of it; and /ajlly, fome praetical improvement <!£' the who1e. : L In·fuewing the certainty of the rifurrefiion, I !hall e– Tince, ( t.) l'hat God can raife the dead. And ( 2.) Th__at he will ·do it'; which are the two grounds or topics laid down by Chrill himfelf, when difputing with the Sadductu, Matth : xxii. 29. JefuJ dllj'Wireti ~tni Jaid unto them, Ye d1 irr ~· not knowing theftripturu, nor th~ power of God. ' Firjl, Seeing Gad is Almighty, furely Q,e can raife the d'ero-..- . W 'e have i~fl:ances of this powerful work ,of God, both ·-in the Old and New· Teflament. "Fhe fon of the widow i,n Sar(pta was raifed from the dead, 1 King1 xvii. ~2. · The Shunamite's fon, 2 KhigJiV.3) · And the man· cafl into the ftpulchre of E/ifhas chap . xiii. 21. In which we niay obferve a gradation, ' the fecon~ o( 'tbefe m.iracu– lous' events being more illuihlous than the ·fi r!t, a,od the tfiira than the 'fecond . The firtl of thde perfoo s was raifed when he was b.ut newly dead; the- prophet Elijah who ra1fed him, beirtg prefent at his deceafe. TheJec()ntl, when he had lien 'dead a confiderable time; namely,_while · liis m.other travelled from Shunem to mount Carmel, (rec– k'oned about the difl:ance of fix teen mi les) and returned from thence to h er houfe with Eli fha who n1ifed him·. The >lafl, not till they were burying him. and the corpfe was can into the Prophet's grave. . In like manner in the new Tef– tament', Jairus' daughter, (MarJ v. 4 •.) and DorcaJ, ,( ACl:s ix. 40 .) were both raifed to life, when lately dettd; ~he widow's foo· in Nain, when they were carrying him out to bury him, Luke vii. 11, IS · and LazllrUJ, whenjlink~ .ing in the grave, John xi. 39· 44· . · meo make curious glalfes out of afhes reduce fl owers into, alhes, and raife them again out of thefeafbe·s. reHoring i~em to their former beau'ty;. anci cannot the great Creator, who made all th~ngs of notl1ing, raife man's body, after it i_s reduced into dult? If it beobj reted, How can mep1 hodiu be raifed up again after they are refolved into dufi; and t hl 4/heJ of manygmerlitiom are 1ning/ed together? ScriptUre and r eafon fu rmfh the- wer ; 'IVith mep. it iJ impoffible, but npt 'With God. lt is abfurd for men to deny that God cando ,a th in_g, becaufe they fee n~t how it may be done. How fm"U aportiondo we know of 'bia ways -! how abfolutely iqcapa.~l e are