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:Head Ill. criJe P~j}ibi!tty of the Reforreflio;z. ~I3 -are we of conceiving dillinCl:ly of the extent of almighty po•.Ver, a(ld much more'·of comprehending its a&ings, an)i the n1ethod of pto-cedure! I que(tioo not but many illiterate men are as great infidels to many chymical experiments, as fome Ie:nned men are to the doCtrine of \he refurrection : . and as th.efe !afl: are ready to deride theformer, fo the Lord <VJi!l har-•e them in deriji{)n. . 'Wl;lat a myflery was it to the lnd~ans, that the Europea_ns could,. by a p~ece of paper, con– verfe together, at the difrance of fome hundreds of miles? And how much were"they aHonifhed to fee themwith their guns, produce as ic w~re thunder aud lightening in a mo– ment, arid at p,leafure ki!l men afar off?, Shall fome men do fuch things as are, wonders in the eyes of others, becaufe they canno-t comprehdnd them: and !hall me"n confine the infinite , power .of God within the narrow boundaries of their own iballow capacities, in a matter no ways contrary to reafon ? An inferior nature has but a v~ry imperfect conceptiun of the power of a _fuperior. Brutes do not conceive of the ·atUngs .of reafon in men ; and men have but lame noti· ons of the po\ver of angels: how long and inadequate,a con– ception. the!J mull a finite nature have of the power of that which is infinite! fhough we ca,noot conceive how God ,aCts, yet we ought to believe he can do above what w~ ca.a · -think or conceive of~ Wherefore, let the bndies of men be laid in the "grave; let them rot there, ad be refolved into the mo!l minute particles ; or, Jet them be burnt, a·nd the aQ1eS -cafi int.Ori-· yers, or thrown np -inw the. air, to be fcattered by the · wind; let the dufl: of a thoafand generations be 'mingled, .an;J the (l:eams of the dead bodies \t.'ander to and fro in the air; let birqs or wild bea!l:s eat the dead ~edies, or the t'iihes of the fea -devour them, fo that the patts of l~nman ·bodies thus de!l:royed, pafs into fuoH:antial parts of hirds, bea!1s, or fillies ,; or, ,what is more than th-at, let man-eat– ers, wh~ thellJfelves mufl: die, and. rife again, devollr hn~ · man -bod1es ; and let others devour them a;'ain : and then let our modern·Sadducee1 p:'opofe theqae llio-~ in thefe cafts: as the antient SadduceeJ did, in the cafe of the wcm 1 1n who · ha~. been married to feven hu·ft:Hnds fuccdlively, /Ylatth. XXII. 28 \Ve anfwer, as our bleffed Lord and Saviour did, :n.r 19. Ye do .err., not k:u:Wing thefcriptut.e"!~nor .//;: pt;wer · o ~ . ~r