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~ H~ad Ill. T he .Polfibili~y of t he Rejttrreliion ., 3 1( · w~y s. Yea, the ncur ifhi ng p;;rt of the food, when affimiJate , ··~, .. an,:! therebv become a part of the body, is evacuate by per- ~ fpiration through the pores of the !, and ·again fu pplted by the ufe of t ~e food ; yet the body is fti !I -reckoned one ancf th e fame body. \Vbettt c we O"lay conclude', that it is not d fe oti al to the refu rre(:tion of the J:>ody, that eve ry particle of the matter which at any time was' part of a human body fl1ould be te lt ored to 1t, when it is raifed up from death t~ life . We re it fo, the bodies of men would become of fe hu ge a fiz e, that they would be!' r no refemblance of _the perfons. lt is fufficient t o denomir.ate it the fame body that died, when it is' rifen again ; _i f the·body th at is raifeci, be formed in its former propor tions , of tEe fame particles of matter, which·at any time were its cooflituent parts, how~ foev er it be refined: likeas, we reckon it is the fame body that was pined awa y by long ficknefs, which becomes · fat and fair ag a.i n after recove ry. · ; Now, to thi-s 'infinite underftanding j oin infi nite power, •v.iher eby he iJ able to Jubdue all thingJ unto himf e/f; and _thi~ glorio,u fly great \vork appears moft reafo~able, · If Om– nifcience difcover every little particl~ of dull, where it is; and how it is to be matched ; cannot Omnipotence bring the m, and joib th'emtogether i? th~ir order :? Can ihe watch• m<iker take up the fe'Veral pieces of a wa~ch ; lying in a ·con· fufed l~ e ap before him, and fet each in"its proper place; and.:. ' camlOt G od put the hum~n body into Ot:der, after its .di:ffo ... lutjon? Did he fpeak this world into being out Of ~othing; and can he not form man's body out ~fits pre· exiflent matter ? If he calletb thoft ' things, rwhich be n.ot, as though f,~ey w er.e; furely he ca-n call things that are dif.fulved, to be as t,hey we re before the · compound was refolved in.:•r its p ~rts and principles : \Vherefore God can raife the ·. dead. An d, ~ly lhould i~ be th r~ ught, d thing incre-dible rwfth you, t hat G'od fhou/d ratj e the dead? ACtsxxvi; 8. ' Se~·ondly , G od will do it. Hsvriot only can do it; but he cer tainly wi ll do it, bccaufe lle has faid it. Our , v.e ry full to thi s purpofe, All that are in th~ gravu jhall hear hiJ voice : and come forth; they that have done good, unto the re(u rrefli on oflift, and they that have done evil, unto t he ref urre f! ioJz of damnation. Thefe words relate to~ and are an expb.Gation of, that part of Daniel's proB d 2 phecy; -