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"'16 j The CertainfJ of the Refurreffirm• . State IV. pbecy, Dan. xii. 2. And man)' of thenz that jl:;ep in t!'e duJI of the earth lhatl awake, jo~me to everlafiing life,, and fome tiJ Jhame and everfajling contempt. The \Vhicb ap· pears to have been calculate to confront the dodrine .of the Eadduceu ·; which the Holy Ghofi knewwas to be at a g.reat l1eight in the Je•wijh church under the pedecmi·on of An– tiochui. Then! are many other texts in the Oid and New :Teftaments that might here be adduced; fuch 2s A{fs xxiv. 15. Andhave hope towards God, cwhjch thev tharJelves alfo ai!?'!V , that there !ball be a refurretlion of t.6e dead, of thejufl and unjujl. And Jobxix. 26, 27. And tho' after my jkin rtuornu defittoy this h()f~J', )'et in m'y- flejhjhall 1 fee (/od: whom l /hall foe for mJfe~f~ and mine t:YeJ j/Ja/1 h,'!• ' hold, and not another ; though 17~Y reinJ be confum-ed rz.uith– jn me. But [ need not mult~.ply tefi!monies, in a maner fo dearly ~Hld frequently taug~t in facred fcripture. ·our Lord and Saviour himfe!f proves it, againll tbe 'Saddttcen, ~n that remarkable text, Luke xx. 37, 38. Noqu that the dead are rai(ed, even iVlofu /hewed at the /Jufh, whuz. ·ht calleth th; Lord the God of Abrabam, and the God of lfoac, p;td the God of Jacob; For he i.r not a God of the dead, but of th~ living; for all live unto him. Thefe holy patriarchs were now dead :. neverthelefs, the Lord JE Hov A H is called their G'Od, n_amely in vjrtue of the covenant of gract, a.nd in the fenfe thereof: in which fenfe, the phrafe comprehend5 «ll hle.ff.dJte/i, .as that, which ' by the covenant, is fecllred to them who Qre in it, fieb ~i. 16. Cod if not ajhamed 19 ' be ·called tbeir GOD : ·for he hath prt}ared for them a . ci~.r. He is not called the Goo of their fouls only; but their God, the God of their perj9tu, f{})lls and bodits; the which, by v~rtue of his truth ard faith(ulnefs, mufi have its full df~a: now it c-annot have its ful! eff..:tl.on t~edead, who, in as Jar as they are dead, are far from all blefi~dnefs; but on the living, who alone are c;~pable of it : therefore, fince God is lt:ill ca.lled their God, they are living in refpett of God, although tbeir bodies are yet io the grave; for in ref?ct1 of him, who by bis po-wer can reftore them to life, and in his 'ovenant ' has declared his will and purpofe fo to do, and whofe promife cannot fail, they aB are to be reckoned to live: ~nd, coofiO:ent with the .covenant, their det~th is but a ~~ep, o\Jt of which, in virt~e of the fame covenant, fecuiing -· - • I a.H