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Head HI. T,~e Certaint; of the Refu,.,.~~1ion~ 3 i J all bleuednefs to their p~rfons, their whole m'an, t.hey rnufl and thall certainly be awakened. The Apofile Paul pro'ies the refurre tl: ion at large, 1 ,Car xv. and fhe'ws it to be a' ' fund amental article, tbe denia-l whereof is fubverfive of Chri– flianity, Ver . 13, 1 4· If there be tio refurreflio,n of Jbe dead, then .if Chrij1 net riftn." And ifChrifl b~ not ri/cn, then is our pr~aching vain, andy~u r faith is ai/Ot vai1z . , To affift us in conceiving of it, .the fcripture gives us ty pe;· of the refurreCtion of the dead; -as the dr.,:v bones lhJing, Ezek. xxxvii. Jonah's coming out Dfthe wha_l~\.belly, Mat. xii. 40 . And nature affords us emblems and te~einblanc~ s of it, as the fun's fetting and rifing again . ~ight and day, – win ter a rid fummer, fl eepi~g and waking; fwa!Jows in t" } • wioter l'ying void of all appearance · •f lire, ~ i n run; oui buildings, and . fubterraneous cavern.s, and revi ving agaia in the fpring feafon; the feeds dying under the cold, and 'the reafter fpringing up ag ~·in : all which , -and the like, may j uflJ y be admitted-, as defigned by the God of nature, tho' not fo r -proofs, yet for· memorials, of the re fur reClion ; whereof we have aifurance from the fcripture, · I Cor . xv. 3'6. . 'ih~u fool, that which thoufowe;1 iJ not q,uicR.entd, exe, die. , . , . . , , 11. Ifhall enquire into· the nature of th'e:. refurre~ion•. {hewing,. t./f, Who fhalr be raifed. 2q/j, ·what lh~ll b~ · raifed. 3dly, How the dead fhall be raife'd.• . Ftrfl, Wh()jha/1 be raifed? Our text tells us who they are ; namely, All that are ·in thegr.av~s·, i : e; alJ mankind, who dead . As for thofe perfons who iliall be: found alive ~t ,t·he fecond coming of.Chrift,. they thaJl not die, and foo11 thereafter be raifed again; but fuch a change fh ~ ll fuddeniy .pafs upon them, as fhall be to them inflead. of dyihg and !'ifing again ; fo that their bodies.iliall become like to thofe– bodies which are raifed out of the graves~ 1 Cor. xv. 51 , 5.2. We jha.ll not a!ljleep , hut rwe !hall all he ehange4; In. 11 moment, in the twinkling of an eye. . Hence th~fe wl1o are to be judged at the day, are diflingui!hed into qui_ck· and dead, Acls 'x 42. All the dead fhall a,rife, wh.:!thet· 1 godlyorwicked, juft, orunjufl , (ACl:sxxiv.q.)old or y~ung; the- whole race of mankind, even tbefe who never· faw the wl\, but died in their mother's belly, Rev. XK· I '2 ~.dnd I [arw the de.a'd Jmall and gre,tJI. fian)J 1Jifore God~ D d ~· · . The