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.31! . , Th~: Nature oftht Refurreffion. State IV~ The fea and earth {hall give UP. their dead, wirhout ,.eferve ; :wne ilia!! be kept back. . ~ · Secondly, J.Vhat Jha!l he raifed? The bodies o.f mankind~ A man is faid to die when .the foul is feparated from 'the bo– dy, and returm unto Gr;dwhogave it, F.ccltf. xii.7 . But · it is the body only which is !aicl,m the grilve \ and can be p1 o– perly faid to be tdifed : whc;refore the refurreeti1 .. n is, fhitl:~ Jy fpea~ing, competent to the bod) only. Moreover, it ~s the fame body that dies" wh ich fh .. dl rife ~gain. At the re~ furreClron, JDen !hall not i!ppear with other boclies for ;fub– flance than thefe wl1 ·ch they now ha\•e, and which are laid down io the grave: but with the fl/1 /ame bodies en– tiowed with Other qoati1ies. J' he Y<: ry notton of a refur– recrion irnpfie • th\S; hr·CC nothi~g can be fai·d tO rife again. but that \Vhich falls. Bu1 to illuftn.tte it a little, Filjl.r ft is p'ain from iCriprure· teltlm~:my. The ~poftle tells, it ·is. this Vtortal which muftput 01'1 itJmwrtality, l Cor xv. 53· and. th .. t Ch riOJha/1di·r-t1ge our vilf body, that it may befajhirmeJ like un/() hiJ g/Gric,ru body. Philip iii. ~ t. Dt.a r.h, in fcrip• l:ure language, is t1 jleep , and the refortt:eLoo an awahing 'Out ofth<tt {lctp, ,Job xiv . 12 ~ wb lch !hews 1ht body nfing tip, to be tht felt fame ~b ~ t died Sec~.tndly, The equ1ty of the divir:e procedure, bnth with rdptc1 to the godly ~nd the wicked; evinces this. 'It is not 1eckoned equ:al amon:g Jnen, that one do the wotk, .aod anorher get the t_eward. Though the glotifying efthe bodies of the faints, 1s not, pro- ' perly fpeak~np., ~nd in a flriCl: fen:ff', the reward of their fervices ot· fuff<:rin~?.S on earth: yet this is e\1ident, that it i1 Do,cat 'atl_pgr.-.e:•blc to the m;;.n~oer ofrhe di-vine d1fpenf.t•t!On, that; one b~dy ferve h im. and <~no r her be gl(lrifi~d: that one fight, and anvther r e Ct'!V~" 1he crown .. How C6n it · be imagi!'.ecl dHU rhe templn of the Holy (,hofi ea~ theje bodieS· ()fbel:evers <1n 1ermed, aC!) r . vi 1 t.; ) fh ouid ;jlways lie in. rubb;'{h ,'ard otben be reued liP in their Head ? That tb.:fe· members o.fChrijl (ver. 1) ) fh~ll periili Utterly,. and other bodies conre in ;ben ;corn? NJy, {urely, a! thde bodies of the faints ~ ew bear.a- put ir gl:rifying God", and fome of th~m jujfer in hi~ C:>Ll.le.; io th t: y jhall p.irtake of the glory that is to be revealed. .<\od rhefe bodies of the wicked, . I which are latd in the duft, £hall be raifed again; that the· .4-we ~odx, wh1ch. finned,. may {l.itfcr., /Shall ~ne b.ody Gn. , 1 lier~.,