Head ItI. Tf;e NatrJre. of the Refurre!fioil. 3 1' here, and anot~er fuff~r rn hell for that fin? Shall that bo ... dy, which was the foul's companion in fin, lie for eve1 hid in . the dutl:; and another body, which did not acl any p•u t in finoin,g, be its compa11ion in torment? ~o, no; it is that body, which now takes up all their thoughts· to pro · -vide fot its back and bell y, that fhall be raifed up, to fuffer in hell. It is that tongue t}fat is now the fwearing, lying ' tongue, which will need water w cool it, in eternal flames. 'Theft fame feet, that. now fland in the wa_;'J ofjhznerJ , «1nd : carry men in their ungodly courfes~ {ha Jl ftand 10 the blll nlr.g lake. And thefe no.w covetous and 1afcivious eyes, fhc.ll take part in the fire and -fmoke of the pit. . , '!hird/y, .How the~dead jhail be raifldP The fame Jefus, who was crucified withou.t the gates .of Jer.ufalem, !hall, at the b .ft day, to the convicl:ion of all, be declared both Lord - · and Chrifi; app~aring as judge o£ the world, .att ended witS hi.J miibty a1i.gefs., 2 Thdf. i. 7. he fnall defcendfrom 'hea– ven wi-th ajhout, with the voice of the archangel, a1id 'Lt1 it6 . thetrump· o[God, I Theff. iv. 16. Th~ trumpetjhalijound, and the dead Jha!l be raijecJ., and the.fe who are alive,_· thangerf; 1 Co.r. xv. p. · \tVheth er th.is fhout, voice and' . trumpet do denote fame audible voice, or only the working$ · vf divine power , for the rai!ing. of the dead, 'and orher · awful purpofes of that day, (tho' the_formet fee.ms probable) I will not pofi.tively det€rmine. There is no qudlion bu t . · this coming of the Judge of the worId will be in greater. m"jelly and terror, than we can conceive: yet that awfui · grandeur, m10Je fiy and fl"ate, which was difplayed at the giving of the raw, viz. thunder! hl!ard, .Jh;htninKJ, and 4 · thick cloud upon the ffrotmt feen, the Lorddejcending injire~, rhe whole mount quakinggreatly, and the voice ofthe 'trum– pet waxing loudet and loud(r, ' (Exod. ~ix. 16, 18, r9 )" may help forward a becoming thought ·of it .. However., the found of this trumpet fhall be heard,all the world over ; it fhall reach to the deeps of the fea, and into the bowels of the earth. At this loud ala:rm, bones fuall come toge– ther, bone to .hiJ b·one: the fcattered du lt of all the de :a d fuall be gathered together, dull to h is dufi, neither ihall one thruft another, they jha/1 walk every one in hiJ path; and meeting together again, fi1r1!1 make up that v~ry f<tme lady., which. crumbled in.to.duil.jn.t.he g_rave.. And at t h~ f4lmc: