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320 T~~ Noture ofthe Refurrefii,n:. S tate IV. fame alarming voic , ihall every foul come again into its liWlJ b9dy, never more ,to be feparated. The dea'd cit n ·. flay no longer in their graves, but mutt bid an eternal farewell to their long h -Jt7UJ: 'They he(lr hit voice, and muil eome forth, and receive 'their fina,f fentence. ·. · No~, as there is a grea• difference betwixt the god1r and the wicked in their life, and in their death; {o will there be alfo in their refurrection. The godly 1halt be raifed-up out of their graves hjflir– ltte of th~ Spirit ofChrifl_~ the bleffed bond of their union with him, Rom viii . r 1 . fie that raifed t.~p Chrifl f rom thf/ (l'ead, foal/ alfo quicken your mottal bodiu, by hi1 Spirit that drwel!eth in you. Jefus Chrifi: arofe from the dead, as th~ firfi fru_itJ of them that jlept. 1 Cor.xvi. 20. fo they t hat are·Chriji's fhal'l follow at hi.s coming, ur. 2.3. The myf– tical Head having got aboire the waters of de:i.!th , he can– not but bring forth the memb~rs after him, in due time~ They fhafi come forth with inexpr~.Jlible joy .: -for then. 1h:tll rhat paffage of fcri'ptur~,- which, •in its immediate fcope, refpetted the Babylonijh captivity, be fully accom- . t)lin1ed in its extenfiv~ fpi~itual vi·ew, lfa .xxvi. ' 9· Awak~ andjing, ye that dwe/J itt the ~ufl. . As a bride adorned · for her hulbandJ goes· forth of her bed· chamber unto the· marriage; fo fhall the f'aints go forth of. their graves, unto the marriage of th-e Lamb. ]oflph had,a joyful out– going from thel prifon, Daniel from the lion's den, and Jonah from the whale's b~lly; yet thofe are bat faint re– prefentations of the faints O'-;Itgoing £rom the grave at the refurrection Then ':!hall th~y fing· ~he Jong of Mofer· and of the Lamb, in higheH: H:rains ;_ de<~th being quite. .frwal!orwed· up in vir1ory~ · They had, whil.e in this life, fume times fung by faith the triumphant fong over death·. and tlie gra~e, 0 death, where iJ·t4:v fling? 0 grave, where is thy viffory? '( 1 Cor.xv. 55.) But ·when they fing the fame, from jight and fenfe; t~e bl.ack band of doubts ancl fears, which- frequently difiurbed• them, and difquieted, their minds is for ever cafhiered ' May we not fuppofe the foul ;md· body of e-very faint, as irt mutual embraces, 'to rejoice in eacl~ other. and tri• umph in their happy meeting again? And may not one"· imagine the bod~ to addreis the foul tllus.? "0 my Sou1,. -"' have::