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Head JH. The Natur( ofthe ReJiu·t·eBio11. ·" have we got together again, after fo long a f~paration? " art thou come back Jmto thine old habitation, nevet" -" more to remove ! 0 joyful meeting l.lnlike is our '" prefent fl:ate to v-diat our cafe "vas, when a feparation "was made betwixt us at death! now is our ·mourn ing ." turned into joy; the light and gladnefs iometirnes f.own, " are now fp~nng up; and there is a perpetual ·fpring i11 " lmmanite-l's land.. BleiE~d be the day, in whic]l.l was ·u united to thee; whofe chief care was to get Chriji itz " tlf th( hope oll!.lory, and to mak~ ~ne a temple for h is " Holy Spirit. 0 bleff~d foul, which, ,in the time of our ·" pilgrimage,-kept thine eye on the land then afaroff, but .'~ now near at hand ! thou too~efl: rne into fecret'piaces, " and there madft me bO\v thefe knees before the Lord, u that I might bear a in our humiliations before " him: and now is the due time, and I am lifted up .. " Thou didfi: employ this tongue, in confefl!ons, petiti- " oris and t'har.kfgivings ; which henceforth '!hall be em– u ployed in praifing for'evermore. Thou madft thefe " (fometimes) weeping eyes fow that feed @[tears, which '' is now fprung hp in joy that fhall never .end. 1was . " happily beat down by thee,and kept in fubjeetion; while " others pampered their'fldh. 2;nd made.their bellies their " gods, to their own defl:ru&ion : and, now I glorioui1y ., arife, to take my place in the manfions of glory; V.·hdt " they are dragged out of their graves, to be caf.l: iuto ·" fiery flames. Now, my foul, . thou fha·lt complain no " more of a fick and pained body; thQu ihilt be no ·more " clogged with weak and weary •flefh : I fhall now hold " pace with thee in the praifes ofour God for evermore." And may 'not the foul fay? " 0 happy day in V;rhich 1 '' t~ turn to dwell in that ' bleffed body, which was, a.nd " is, and wiJI be far ever, a member of Chrift, a tern- · u pie ot the 1-loly Spirit! now fhall I be ~ternally knit .. , tothee: the filvercordfhal!neve'rbeloofedrnore: death " HI-all never make an'Qther fepara Lion bet iwi>.t us. Arife '' then, my body, an~d come away L and Jet thefe eyes, u which {erved to weep over my fins, ~ehold now, wi th ., joy, tl1e face of our glo1ious Redee.m~r; lo! this is 0ur " God, and we, have waited for hi'm. Let thefe ears, 4 ' whi~h [erved to ~,ar the word of life, in the t'empie be._ " low,